PinnedPublished inSerious ScrumAbsent Scrum Values and concealed workScrum Teams should be reaping the benefits of transparency, inspecting and adapting based on reality, but this isn’t always the case.Feb 15, 2022Feb 15, 2022
PinnedPublished inSerious ScrumWhen velocity becomes a distractionWhen valued as a performance metric, velocity can result in distraction. Certain behaviours may be a warning sign that something is…Sep 14, 20212Sep 14, 20212
PinnedPublished inSerious ScrumMisinterpretations of Agile that can hinder a Scrum Team.It’s not hard to find Agile enthusiasts within Scrum Teams. But it’s worth checking what exactly they’re enthusiastic about.Nov 3, 20211Nov 3, 20211
Published inBootcampHow to use spikes without losing agilityAnswers to some of the many questions about technical spikes.May 4, 2023May 4, 2023
Why feedback on the Sprint Retrospective can be far from enlighteningOriginally published at 14, 2023Apr 14, 2023
Published inSerious ScrumCommitment confusion and a fear of moving targets.I’ve often had to convince team members that it’s OK to make changes to the Sprint Backlog, not only is it OK but important to welcome…Feb 1, 20231Feb 1, 20231
How to incorporate some of the most frequently neglected topics into your Sprint RetrospectivesOriginally published at 18, 2022Nov 18, 2022
Common Scrum Anti-Patterns that Could be Holding Your Team BackIn trying to do the right thing we can inadvertently deviate from Scrum & limit it’s effectiveness. Originally published in Goretro.aiNov 4, 20222Nov 4, 20222
Why Coaching Often FailsLearning how to Coach is straightforward; learning when to Coach is the tricky part. Originally published at 25, 2022Aug 25, 2022
Published inSerious ScrumWhen a Project Manager becomes a Scrum Master… but not quite.It may seem like the best of both worlds to have a hybrid Project Manager/ Scrum Master role but the result is far from the best of Scrum.Jul 4, 20225Jul 4, 20225