Alexandra Calamel
2 min readMay 30, 2018

Do you really think those kids want to be on the street?

Is this the way our generation of tomorrow going to live?

G’Day to you,

Not so long ago I was living in St Kilda and seen many things on the street in my day growing up. I remember I learnt to walk at night and not be seen because you can easily get mugged, abused, propositioned and raped.

As a highly strung teen , ok still am teenagerish..hehehehe Life was tough for me not fitting in, bullying and a mother that outcast me to boot. Life was not easy but I saw many people my age and older going through worst than myself at 15 so I always looked at how better I was doing. At 13 I was blessed with working for someone in a Newsagent that took me under their wing with Martial Arts that gave me a foundation to make choices for the better. The people I met through the Martial Artist World and competition and through World Gym bodybuilding save my sanity.

As I see it Homelessness is on the rise weekly,many more children, youths, young men and older. In this day of age of opportunity, technology and better lifestyle has brought many of our generation here on the Street to live.

Why the Epidemic? Is it Families, Communication, education, too much media, too much freedom given, too much drugs, too much disassociation, too much don’t fit in societies Standards, societies you should conform and more.

If we are now living better than the Middle Ages of Poverty than why is this happening? change is around the Corner and we as a Whole have a need to change our Old ways of what we think we are as a man, as a women, as a society should be and balance within what you are than ridicule people for Having Thoughts, Being Aware with no where to turn than Medicate them to shut them up that result only result in more suicide. Why because there is no Way out of the System and it is better to be Dead mentality been created than another way to live Life.

I sure you hear some things and you may have your own opinion, Please share your thoughts on this.

Alexandra Calamel

G'Day from Oz. My life is just like yours born without a Roadmap. I was told 'I CAN'T" because of this or that, so I changed it to 'I CAN!'