Sustainable Alternatives to Disposable Plastic Bags

Green Life #1

Alexandra Pedro ☀️ (she/they)
5 min readApr 13, 2019

After learning about the harmful ways humans treat the environment, people often ask for steps they can take to make a difference. Almost nothing is black and white in terms of sustainability. For example, a particular practice may be favourable in terms of reducing carbon emissions but result in an increase of non-recyclable waste. Still, under the light of what is known so far, avoiding disposable plastic bags is a small step with considerable positive impacts in several areas. That is why it is a safe recommendation to give to someone who is just starting to live more sustainably.

Controlling plastic pollution is one of the biggest environmental challenges of this century. Several of the 17 United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals focus on fighting the quantity of waste produced in today’s society. Plastic production and disposal are some of the areas mentioned which are in need of debate and improvement.

Disposable plastic bags are not widely recycled. These are usually disposed of by combustion or end up in landfills. Both these practices bring consequences to the environment. The combustion of plastic results in the emission of toxic gases. On the other hand, plastic which is not combusted breaks up into smaller pieces over several years releasing toxic gases in the meantime. The resulting small fragments, known as microplastics, have been proven to be dangerous to wildlife and usually find their way to bodies of water. Both birds and…



Alexandra Pedro ☀️ (she/they)

A creative at heart, dividing my time between writing fiction and marketing arts and culture projects. Otherwise, I am most likely cuddling with my dog!