How I got Financial Aid for over 25 Coursera Courses!

Alexandra Ighodaro
3 min readMay 21, 2022


Presently, there is an increasing search for knowledge, which cuts across people from all careers of life. The quest for knowledge is a task that seems endless. Students and professionals today are looking for ways to acquire new skills and earn certifications. Today, online learning platforms such as Udemy, Coursera, Udacity etc. offer a vast range of paid courses available at your disposal. Listed below are some advantages of online learning:

  1. You can take them within the comfort of your home.
  2. You can decide your learning pace.
  3. You can keep working while you learn.
  4. You can engage with a global peer network.
  5. You get to learn discipline, proper time management and planning skills.

Unfortunately, most of these online courses are not free. Most of the professional courses cost more than the minimum wage in some countries in Africa thereby making these courses inaccessible to all.

In this article, I would be explaining how you can opt for the financial aid option whereby interested people who are unable to afford the courses and certifications can gain access for free! I would highlight the steps in details needed to be granted this financial aid on Coursera and I would use the Google Data Analytics Professional Course as a case study.

  1. Create an account on Coursera. If you don’t already have one, click Here
  2. Navigate to the desired course of your choice.
  3. Select the financial aid option on the dashboard of your desired course.

4. Fill the financial aid form.
Kindly note that in cases whereby the professional course has more than 1 course section, you would have to apply for financial aid for each of these course sections individually.

5. When filling the form, you should tell them why you can’t afford to pay for the course (e.g., unemployment, student, less than $100 income, can’t pay more than 1$ for the course etc.) You are required to write two essays.

6. Why are you applying for Financial Aid? (150 words minimum required)

You can write about yourself, your passion to learn data analytics & desire to break into tech but you are financially unable to pay for the course due to your current income and other limitations. Explain how it is difficult for you to gather such amount of money for the certificate and how the Financial Aid will help you take this course without any adverse impact on your monthly essential needs. Include how getting the financial aid would help you chase your career dream and make a positive impact in the society.

7. How will taking this course help you achieve your career goals? (150 words minimum required)

You can write about how you plan to use the course to achieve your career goals. Explain your career goals and how this is a step in your learning path. You can include how you’ve heard it has helped others, why you believe it would help you and how you plan to complete the course. You can include how the certification would help you secure an entry level role or an internship role in your dream company.

8. Would you consider using a low-interest loan to pay for your courses?


9. If you answered no, please help us understand why.

Explain briefly why you wouldn’t be able to pay back the loan.

10. Submit your application and wait for approval. It takes 2weeks for it to be approved. Please do not click on free trial/subscribe after applying, that may cancel your application for financial aid.

With these steps, you are more than likely to be granted the financial aid and you’ll have access to the course.



Alexandra Ighodaro

Everything Data related. I’m still trying to figure it all out.