The Best Platforms to Launch Your Product as a Developer in 2024

Alexandre Grisey
4 min readApr 22, 2024


Developer finding the best platforms to add their products on
Developer finding the best platforms to add their products on

You’re a developer or a indie hacker, have created a nice product as a side project, but don’t know where to launch it? You’re at the right place!

In this article, I’m going to talk about the four platforms I recommend to any developer that wants to promote their tools, products and startups.

But first, let’s talk about why it is important to use these platforms.

Why Promoting your Tool is Important as an Indie Developer

You’re a developer, and if you’re new to the indie hacker/indie developer world, you might be bad at marketing. No worries, I’ve been there (we’ve all been there).

You created your product, did the basic stuff (some SEO, and maybe a quick Product Hunt launch), but not much more.

Well, you should do more. And you know what? It’s easier than you may think.

For example, posting your tool/product on launch platforms/directories, is easy to do and can have huge benefits.

Not only the people that visit those websites will see your startup, but it can also improve your SEO — Search Engine Optimization (by having backlinks). This can also bring you feedbacks from visitors, and even develop your personal branding if you add your own social links to your website.

And it’s not that complicated.

I’m not going to explain how to optimize your launch page, I think there is enough resources about that.

Here, i’m going to list for you the launch platforms or directories on which you should add your products.

The Four Best Platforms to Promote Your Indie Product

Okay, the introduction was longer than I expected, so I won’t make you wait more. Here is the four directories that I think are mandatories for any product launch.

Reddit: the Classic Platform

Logo of Reddit, the famous community website

I think I don’t have to introduce Reddit. We all know that platform. But do we all know the subreddits we can use to launch and promote our products? I don’t think so.

Here are a few ones:

  • /r/SideProject: the most obvious subreddit to promote your side project/product;
  • r/indiehackers: if you’re an indie hacker/developer, it’s a good place to post your tool and ask for feedbacks;
  • r/webdev: if the product you’ve developed is a web product, and even better, if it’s directly linked to web development, you should aim that community.

But be aware, some subreddits don’t like self promotion, so you either have to bring some real value, or take the risk to have your post deleted.

Also, be aware, the Reddit community is not the nicest on the internet. If you’re not ready to have your product roasted, you should avoid Reddit!

Indie Dev Tools: for Products That Aim Developers

Logo of Indie Dev Tools, the best launch platform

Indie Dev Tools is a directory of tools for, and by, independent developers.

It’s the perfect platform to post your startup, if the project you have is a tool that can be useful for indie hackers and developers (which a lot are!)

Sorted by categories and tags, you can also use this launch platform to find the best tools to use for your next project idea.

Posting your product on Indie Dev Tools is free and take no more than a minute, so why not doing it?

Uneed: a Better Product Hunt?

Logo of Uneed, direct competitor of Product Hunt

Uneed is a direct competitor of Product Hunt. I’d say, personally, that it’s better than Product Hunt. Why? Because the user experience is smoother, in my opinion.

The only cons? Well, it’s obviously way less popular than Product Hunt, and the delay to have your tool published is quite long (you can skip the queue by paying a small fee, though!).

But it’s worth it, definitely.

MicroLaunch: for World-Class Products & Startups.

Logo of MicroLaunch, the launch platform

The last launch platform I’d like to talk about here, is MicroLaunch.

MicroLaunch is, as well, a Product Hunt competitor, with an extra minimalist interface.

The platform is continuously evolving, and even though it’s far from being perfect at the moment, I think it has a great future to come.

More Platforms to Promote Your Startup

Four platforms is not enough for you? You want to add your product on more websites?

Well, you’ll find more of these on the launch category of Indie Dev Tools!

And… That’s it!

PS: I voluntarily omitted Product Hunt on this list, because it’s the most obvious platform and I wanted to promote smaller ones!

Hey! I’m Alex, a developer and solopreneur.

I create a lot of tools and products using different technologies, and write about it. Here are a few of my products:

SEO Programming: A guide to learn how to do SEO with code (and only code!).

Lite Feedback: a feedback popup to integrate on any website, with a single line of code.

And more you can find on my Linktree page !

