The Best 100 Tech Newsletters

Entrepreneurship, Venture Capital, Marketing, Growth Hacking, Web Design, UX/UI, Science, Fintech, AI, Data Science, …

Alexandre Guillot
15 min readFeb 20, 2019


Ok but, why newsletters? 🤔

Internet runs fast. Sometimes, too fast. If like me, you like reading, documenting and learning every day, you probably have noticed that it is more and more difficult to do so with the exponential increase of content you are exposed to. Combining all digital exposure (mostly media and social networks), the reality is that less than 1% (maybe less) of the content you are exposed to is relevant to you…

The solution : decrease volume, increase quality, choose your favorite subjects. 💡

Here comes the newsletter (ta-da!), this incredible tool which contains only a few links, usually the best, in one single email, on a subject that you would like to learn, and which is quietly waiting for you in your mailbox. It can be open at any time of the week or on Sunday mornings while drinking your coffee. Easy.

You will find below a curation of nearly 100 FREE newsletters I have handpicked for their editorial quality, their reputation or sometimes simply because it is THE reference in a specific industry.

#1 Tech News 🗞️
#2 Entrepreneurship 👨‍💻
#3 Venture Capital 💰
#4 Marketing / Growth Hacking 📈
#5 Web Design / UX / UI 👾
#6 Artificial Intelligence 🔮️
#7 Science 🌎
#8 Fintech 💳
#9 Data / Data Science 📊
#10 Special Frenchies 🇫🇷

“Long-term success depends on your ability to learn something new every day.”

I would love to hear your feedback and please do not hesitate if you think of any relevant newsletter you would like to see here.

Enjoy! 💌

PS: I am working on the list of “The Best 100 Tech Podcasts” (which will be posted very soon on Twitter and LinkedIn)

Tech News 🗞️

The Download by MIT Tech Review: Every day, at the time America takes its breakfast and Europe is having its post-lunch coffee, the MIT sends what I believe is one of the best tech newsletters in the world : 3 discussions about the important tech stories followed by the “Ten Fascinating Things”. A very must read. SUBSCRIBE

The Exponential View: Part of my usual Sunday morning read. Trusted by world-renowned entrepreneurs, investors, policy-makers and academics, Azeem Azhar shares with us insightful resources about exponential technologies and their impact on the society. SUBSCRIBE

Benedict Evans: Together with The Exponential View, Benedict Evan’s newsletter is part of my Sunday read. He shares his most interesting weekly notes and links. What does he do to takes notes the whole week? He is Partner at Andreessen Horowitz, one of the most renowned venture capital firm in Silicon Valley. SUBSCRIBE

CB Insights: Every day CB Insights gives you some thoughts about general trends on tech, startups and venture capital. With good links too. SUBSCRIBE

Fully Charged by Bloomberg Technology: A weekly general discussion about a specific emerging tech trend, followed by a selection of 5 handpicked articles. Sharp and concise. SUBSCRIBE

The Hustle: Every morning you get a summary of the tech and business news. It’s simple and well done, just so you know what your colleagues are talking about at the cafeteria (What?! You can order lunch with an app now?!). Oh, and they have nearly 1 million subscribers. SUBSCRIBE

The Grapevine: Every week, a compilation of the 15–20 tech and startup news you do not want to miss. A bit overlapping with The Hustle but relevant if you want a newsletter only once a week. SUBSCRIBE

Stratechery: Mostly tech and business discussions. The weekly newsletter is free and already very substantial. The daily is sent 3 times a day and costs 10$/month (never tried it so far). SUBSCRIBE

Technology & Innovation by HBR: The renowned Harvard Business Review shares must-reads from the most recent articles on technology and innovation, delivered once a month. SUBSCRIBE

Axios Future: Every day, a selection of 5 handpicked articles around mobility, society, smart city, genetics, blockchain. SUBSCRIBE

Entrepreneurship 👨‍💻

Paul Graham’s Blog: This is a blog, not a newsletter, and unfortunately there is no way to properly subscribe to it. However, as I believe this blog brings so much value to entrepreneurs, it deserves a place in this medium post and being the first of this list. READ

Sam Altman’s Blog: Similarly to Paul Graham’s blog, I believe this is one of the most valuable sources of content for all entrepreneurs. Thankfully, Sam managed to put a “newsletter” in place: basically, you will receive an email every time a new post is published. READ

The Macro by Y Combinator: Every week you get the newsletter of the most famous incubators in the world. It features essays, interviews, research,
and opinions from Y Combinator and the wider startup community. SUBSCRIBE

First Round Review: Startups are hard to build. After partnering with over 600 entrepreneurs First Round Capital have found that while every path is unique, some lessons come in handy over and over again. This newsletter is about these lessons. Highly valuable insights. SUBSCRIBE

The Hedge: Nicolas Colin, Partner at The Family, is writing every week about the “entrepreneurial age”. A substantial, political (quite radical sometimes, but that’s why I like it) and inspiring read with a lot of good links. SUBSCRIBE

Tim Ferriss: If you have read “The 4h work week / La Semaine de 4h” or “Tools of Titans / Les Outils des géants”, you probably know Tim Ferris. If you like his style, here comes his weekly newsletter, full of tips about business and productivity. SUBSCRIBE

OkDork: Noah Kagan, the founder of AppSumo shares its “best business hacks he personally used to build a multi-million business” on various topics (marketing, sales, …). Everything is not directly actionable but good for inspiration. SUBSCRIBE

Strategy & Execution by HBR: The renowned Harvard Business Review shares the must-reads from the most recent articles on strategy and execution. Delivered once a month. SUBSCRIBE

Leadership by HBR: The renowned Harvard Business Review shares must-reads from the most recent articles on leadership and managing people. Delivered once a month. SUBSCRIBE

Management Tip of The Day by HBR: Quick, practical management advice to help you do your job better, delivered weekdays by the Harvard Business Review (yes, them again. And yes, they are doing an amazing job). SUBSCRIBE

How Everything Started: The first edition has just been released this week and I am discovering it as I write. At first sight, this looks very promising, so as the tagline: “Discover entrepreneurs explaining how they started their online business. 100% concrete, no storytelling”. I like it. SUBSCRIBE

Venture Capital 💰

AVC: Fred Wilson has been a VC for over 30 years, he co-founded Union Squares Ventures, a VC fund that historically backed companies like Twitter, Tumblr, Foursquare, Kickstarter, etc. Every day, he writes a short post about something related to technology and VC. Brilliant. SUBSCRIBE

Both Sides of the Table: Mark Suster is a former entrepreneur, now VC so he really has been on “both sides of the table”. His blog is an amazing source of content, mostly about venture capital and entrepreneurship, so as his newsletter. SUBSCRIBE

Feld Thought: Brad Feld has been an early stage investors for more than 30 years and is the author of Venture Deals, the first book you need to read if you ever want to learn about how Venture Capital works or if you are an entrepreneur raising funds. He has also his blogs to which you can subscribe to receive the latest publications. SUBSCRIBE

Tomasz Tunguz: He has been a VC investor for the past 10 years. He writes every day about important questions startups face and backs it all up with data. Very thoughtful. SUBSCRIBE

Andreessen Horowitz: A monthly review of 5 major trends in tech by one of the most renowned VC fund in the world. SUBSCRIBE

Strictly VC: Daily major information on the venture industry. It is divided into different sections including top news, new fundings, new funds, exits, people, data, and essential reads. SUBSCRIBE

Inside VC: Daily. It rolls up the 10 most important news of the industry (deals, articles, etc.) provides some quick analysis, often with great charts and graphs. SUBSCRIBE

Pro Rata: Daily. Usually starts with a discussion about a specific tech trend, followed by a lot of VC and Private Equity deals, and M&A events. SUBSCRIBE

TermSheet by Fortune: It provides a wrapup of all the basics: what companies raised, who has raised new funds and how happenings in other places of the market are impacting businesses. It is a bit wider than purely Venture Capital as it also covers Private Equity deals, IPOs, etc. SUBSCRIBE

The Daily Pitch by PitchBook: Followed by 675,000 industry professionals. You will get a lot of information in one single email: nearly 10 “top stories”, 5–10 “recommended reads”, “people news”, and the list of numerous VC deals, PE deals, M&A transactions, etc. Could be a bit too much, especially if you already get general tech news with other newsletters. SUBSCRIBE

Daphni: A weekly newsletter of a French VC fund, usually starting with a general discussion around a specific tech trend then sharing a compilation of 3 to 5 articles. SUBSCRIBE

Marketing / Content / Growth Hacking 📈

Andrew Chen NL: He is probably one of the most influential professionals about growth marketing and growth hacking. His weekly newsletter is a pure gem (so as his blog). SUBSCRIBE

The Ad Contrarian: Bob Hoffman is a speaker, author of 4 amazing and insightful books of which I recommend Laughing@Advertising and 101 Contrarian Ideas About Advertising. He shares with us his weekly tech watch about online advertising and his analysis about trends and the players. SUBSCRIBE

Warped: You will get a weekly “data review” on new marketing trends, inspirational links, and tools. Very comprehensive. SUBSCRIBE.

Carney: Every week, they want you to be “The sharpest marketer in the room”. It says it all. SUBSCRIBE

Hubspot: Yes, their newsletter is part of their content strategy, ultimately trying to get you to buy their software. Nonetheless, they are doing a great job, providing well-curated content. SUBSCRIBE

Buffer: A weekly focus on social media: articles, trends, and experiments. Same as Hubspot in terms of strategy but short and quick to read and nonetheless well documented. SUBSCRIBE

Convince & Convert: A weekly issue devoted to key trends on Content Marketing, Social Media, Amplification, Word of Mouth Marketing, and Social Customer Service. SUBSCRIBE

Mark Schaefer: {grow} (yes, that’s the name of the newsletter, I suppose so you don’t miss it in your inbox) is at the intersection of marketing, tech, and humanity. It gives you cutting-edge advice, insights, and opinions from the world of digital marketing. SUBSCRIBE

Dotdigital: Never tried this one but it has been referred to me a few times for content marketing with a specific focus on e-mailing. SUBSCRIBE

Web Design / UX / UI 👾

UX Design Weekly: Every Monday you get a handpicked list of the best user experience design links. This is curated by Kenny Chen, interaction designer at Google. SUBSCRIBE

The UX Collective: Every Monday, you receive a 5 minutes read with the latest news, ideas, tools, and resources. More than 50,000 designers already get it. SUBSCRIBE

Really Good UX: Every week, they breakdown step-by-step a user experience on a selected digital product. It includes screenshots and comments but most importantly they explain why it is good (or bad) design. Highly accessible, even for non-designer. Original (but relevant) way of presenting things (but after all we would expect nothing less from UX experts). SUBSCRIBE

Sidebar: The daily Sidebar newsletter provides you with just 5 essential links per day, on topics broadly related to UI and UX design. A must read. SUBSCRIBE

Hey Designer: Major trends, design tips, tools, resources, and inspiration. Well suited for web designers and developers. You can choose between the daily and the weekly curation. SUBSCRIBE

Smashing Magazine: Newsletter sent twice a month with useful tips, tricks, and resources for designers and developers. Recent issues include content marketing tips, WordPress plugins, Javascript debugging, comprehensive guides to product design and UX research. SUBSCRIBE

Responsive Design: They help you to take the complexity out of responsive design with details on design, development, and strategy. Provided every Friday. SUBSCRIBE

UpLabs: Named as the “daily assets for designers & developers”, this is a weekly digest of the best inspirational designs created by the UpLabs community. A great source of inspiration. SUBSCRIBE

TurboBreakFast: Every Sunday, a selection of articles on design and tech, made by Dimitri Bosch, full stack developer, and Le Wagon alumni. Already 15,000 subscribers. SUBSCRIBE

Inside Design: You probably know InVision. This is their newsletter, being read by 2 million people. It definitely comes with great contents(links, tips, etc.) but also with rather useless news about InVision. SUBSCRIBE

Artificial Intelligence 🔮️

The A.lgorithm: “Artificial intelligence, demystified”. A selection from the MIT, in other words, something sharp and serious (but rather accessible). Twice a week. SUBSCRIBE

AI Weekly: A weekly selection of articles and resources around AI and Machine Learning by David Lissmyr, the founder of Plume Labs, which uses AI and data science to help urban citizens reduce their exposure to air pollution. SUBSCRIBE

Open AI: A monthly newsletter from Open AI, a non-profit AI research company, “discovering and enacting the path to safe artificial general intelligence”, chaired by Sam Altman, the President of Y Combinator and backed by highly influential professionals (Peter Thiel, Raid Hoffman, and Ilya Sutskever). SUBSCRIBE

Import AI: The AI selection of Jack Clark, who is the Strategy and Communications Director at OpenAI (yes, them again). Every week, a must read. SUBSCRIBE

AIDL Weekly: Nearly 200,000 subscribers for this weekly AI and Deep Learning selection by Waikit Lau, a serial entrepreneur in the AI space and now VC, and Arthur Chan, a renowned programmer with deep learning expertise. SUBSCRIBE

Accelerate AI by ODSC: Open Data Science Conference provides you with a business-oriented review, looking at how data impacts industries. Delivered twice a month. SUBSCRIBE

Inside AI: A compilation of stories and comments on artificial intelligence, robotics, and neurotechnology by Rob May, the CEO of Talla, an AI-powered automation platform for customer support and an angel investor in more than 50 AI companies. SUBSCRIBE

DeepLearning Weekly: “Everything new and exciting in the world of deep learning from academia to the grubby depth of industry”, curated by Malte Baumann, a deep learning professional, and Jan Buss, an AI and SaaS developer. SUBSCRIBE

Science 🌎

Nature: The website is read by nearly 30 million people every month. That being said, they also do a “daily briefing” which includes an essential round-up of science news, opinion, and analysis (around 5 to 10 articles and opinions per day) SUBSCRIBE

Axios Science: A smart and timely news and analysis of scientific breakthroughs, by Andrew Freedman, a journalist specialized in climate, science, weather, space, and politics. Every Thursday mornings. SUBSCRIBE

ScienceNews: The newsletter of the renowned magazine being read by millions of people around the world. They provide 3 different newsletters but for non-scientist (but still curious) I recommend the “Science News Editor’s Picks”, being the week’s top 10 news stories, features and blog posts. Delivered on Sundays. SUBSCRIBE

LiveScience: Each week, they uncover the most interesting and informative science articles from around the world. Be careful: the newsletter’s design can hurt your eyes (but after all, that’s not what we are asking them right?). SUBSCRIBE

Tech Alert by IEEE Spectrum: A weekly compilation of news and analysis on tech and science by insiders. One of the most science-related read newsletters with 500,000 readers. SUBSCRIBE

Fintech 💳

Fintech Roundup: Anna Irrera is the Fintech correspondent at Reuters. Every week she sends a collection of some of the week’s must-read Fintech news. SUBSCRIBE

FinTech By FT: The Financial Times (the grandmother of financial news) delivers a weekly newsletter to keep up with the latest news, views, and comment on digital disruption in financial services. SUBSCRIBE

FinTech Futures: A daily newsletter that will keep you up-to-date on the latest news stories and developments in the industry. Concise and insightful. SUBSCRIBE

BlackFin: A weekly review of all Fintech and Insurtech deals from a Venture Capital fund perspective. SUBSCRIBE

Autonomous NEXT: It tracks future technology in the financial services industry. They look at robot advisors, blockchain, artificial intelligence, insurtech, chatbots, etc. SUBSCRIBE

Data / Data Science 📊

Center For Data Innovation: Each week, it summarizes the most important data-related news, features original articles and interviews with global experts. It also showcases some very interesting data sets and data visualizations. SUBSCRIBE

Open Data Institute: The ODI was co-founded by the inventor of the web Tim Berners-Lee and AI expert Nigel Shadbolt. Their mission is to show the value of open data and to advocate for the use of open data to affect positive change across the globe. Its newsletter offers opinions on latest data news. SUBSCRIBE

Data Eng Weekly: Delivered on Sunday, it covers the week’s top news in the data engineering ecosystem. It will keep you up to date on the latest data engineering-related open source and cloud news across batch (Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark), stream (Apache Kafka), and distributed systems. SUBSCRIBE

Data Science Weekly: Every Thursday you get a newsletter featuring curated news, articles and jobs related to data science. Simple but efficient. SUBSCRIBE

Data Exlixir: Usually 7 to 10 links about general news, tools, resources and data visualization. Also, a few career tips to get into data science. SUBSCRIBE

Managing Data Science by Harvard Business Review: An eight-week newsletter on making analytics and AI work for your organization. SUBSCRIBE

BigData News Weekly: A newsletter featuring curated news, articles and jobs related to Big Data, Data Science, Hadoop, and Machine Learning. SUBSCRIBE

DataFace: They describe themselves as “a group of data junkies interested in sports, politics, music, and the environment” but what they like the most is graphics! This newsletter is not about data itself but more as a way to better present information with “rich visualizations and interactivity to enlighten the reader”. A very entertaining read. SUBSCRIBE

Special Frenchies 🇫🇷

(Parce que sometimes ça feel good de lire a little bit la langue de Molière.)

Maddyness : la référence française de l’actualité startup de la FrenchTech. Chaque jour une selection d’articles autour de l’entrepreneuriat, la productivité, les levées de fonds, et les startups du moment. S’INSCRIRE

The Family : Des articles, les startups du moment et tous les évenements & conférences The Family dans votre boite, autant d’opportunités d’arrêter de lire des newsletters toute la journée et d’aller prendre l’air. Pas de fréquence particulière, mais toujours une belle surprise. S’INSCRIRE

Futur! : Chaque semaine, la newsletter d’Usbek & Rica explore l’actu du futur. Une richesse inégalée, on voudrait en recevoir plus souvent. S’INSCRIRE

Probablement La Meilleur Newsletter du Monde : Probablement le meilleur naming du monde, mais pas que. Egalement des réflexions autour du digital et de l’innovation, en général 5 à 6 articles commentés. Et c’est chaque semaine. S’INSCRIRE

Planet : Les petits nouveaux dans le paysage des newsletters françaises. Des idées structurantes et décalées sur les révolutions fascinantes de notre époque. C’est 3 fois par semaine à 8h: lundi mercredi et vendredi. Good job ! S’INSCRIRE : Une newsletter de growth hacking sans chichi et qui ne livre pas des hacks périmés depuis plusieurs années. Le blog est également une mine d’or. Chaque semaine, c’est donc une selection de 3 articles et la découverte d’un outil de growth. S’INSCRIRE

GrowthHackingFrance : Ayant fortement contribué au développement de la pratique du growth hacking en France, le site regorge de ressources. La newsletter consiste en une compilation des meilleurs articles growth, marketing digital et SEO de la semaine. S’INSCRIRE

Influencia : Un grand classique du marketing et de la communication. Près de 100,000 pros sont abonnés. Just sayin’. S’INSCRIRE

Remotive : Chaque semaine, des conseils, articles et astuces de productivité pour le travail en “remote” (à distance, you know). S’INSCRIRE

Time To Sign Off : Enfin, un petit dernier. Bon ok, ce n’est pas de la tech mais un condensé de l’actualité généraliste du jour, à lire en moins de 5min. C’est bien écrit et ils sont sympas, et c’est déjà pas mal! S’INSCRIRE

If you think that this list may help any tech passionate, some avid learners or simply curious minds, please share it.

With LOVE ❤️


Note: My name is Alexandre (LinkedIn, Twitter), I am 30, spent 5 years in Investment Banking, learned Ruby on Rails at Le Wagon coding boot camp and co-founded The Good Gift and My day to day is about people, technology, sport, music, chasing happiness, and… NEWSLETTERS 💌

