Secured NiFi cluster with NiFiKop on the Google Cloud Platform

Alexandre Guitton
6 min readJul 9, 2020


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Before starting, I wanted to mention the fact that this post is an adaptation of the Pierre Villard’s one : Secured NiFi cluster with Terraform on the Google Cloud Platform



In this article, we’ll use NiFiKop and Terraform to quickly :

  • deploy a GKE cluster to host our NiFi cluster,
  • deploy a cert-manager issuer as a convenient way to generate TLS certificates,
  • deploy a zookeeper instance to manage cluster coordination and state across the cluster,
  • deploy X secured NiFi instances in secured cluster mode
  • configure NiFi to use OpenId connect for authentication
  • configure HTTPS loadbalancer with Client Ip affinity to access to the NiFi cluster
  • re-size the cluster dynamically


  • You have your own domain (you can create on with Google) : it will be used to map a domain to the NiFi’s web interface. In this post, we will use :


This article can get you started for a production deployment, but should not used as so. There is still some steps needed such as Zookeeper configuration etc.

Create OAuth Credentials

First step is to create the OAuth Credential :

  • Create the OAuth credentials

Once the credentials are created, you will get a client ID and a client secret that you will need in NifiCluster definition.

Create service account

For the GKE cluster deployment you need a service account with Editor role, and Kubernetes Engine Admin.

Deploy secured cluster

Once you have completed the above prerequisites, deploying you NiFi cluster will only take three steps and few minutes.

Open your Google Cloud Console in your GCP project and run :

$ git clone$ cd nifikop/docs/tutorials/secured_nifi_cluster_on_gcp/terraform

Deploy GKE cluster with Terraform


You can configure variable before running the deployment in the file terraform/env/demo.tfvars :

  • project : GCP project ID
  • region : GCP region
  • zone : GCP zone
  • cluster_machines_types : defines the machine type for GKE cluster nodes
  • min_node : minimum number of nodes in the NodePool. Must be >=0 and <= max_node_count.
  • max_node : maximum number of nodes in the NodePool. Must be >= min_node_count.
  • initial_node_count : the number of nodes to create in this cluster’s default node pool.
  • preemptible : true/false using preemptibles nodes.
  • nifikop_image_repo : NiFiKop’s image repository
  • nifikop_image_tag : NiFiKop’s image tag
  • nifikop_chart_version : NiFiKop’s helm chart version
$ ./ <service account key's path>

This operation could take 15 minutes (time to the GKE cluster and its nodes to setup)

Once the deployment is ready load the GKE configuration :

$ gcloud container clusters \
get-credentials nifi-cluster \
--zone <configured gcp zone> \
--project <GCP project's id>


The first step is to deploy a GKE cluster, with the required configuration, you can for example check the nodes configuration :

$ kubectl get nodesNAME                                                  STATUS   ROLES    AGE    VERSION
gke-nifi-cluster-tracking-ptf20200520-a1aec8fe-2dl3 Ready <none> 110m v1.15.9-gke.24
gke-nifi-cluster-tracking-ptf20200520-a1aec8fe-5bzb Ready <none> 110m v1.15.9-gke.24
gke-nifi-cluster-tracking-ptf20200520-a1aec8fe-5t3l Ready <none> 110m v1.15.9-gke.24
gke-nifi-cluster-tracking-ptf20200520-a1aec8fe-w86j Ready <none> 110m v1.15.9-gke.24

Once the cluster is deployed, we created all the required namespaces :

$ kubectl get namespacesNAME              STATUS   AGE
cert-manager Active 106m
default Active 116m
kube-node-lease Active 116m
kube-public Active 116m
kube-system Active 116m
nifi Active 106m
zookeeper Active 106m

In the cert-manager namespace we deployed a cert-manager stack in a cluster-wide scope, which will be responsible for all the certificates generation.

NOTE : in this post, we will let cert-manager create a self-signed CA. For more information check documentation page

$ kubectl -n cert-manager get podsNAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
cert-manager-55fff7f85f-74nf5 1/1 Running 0 72m
cert-manager-cainjector-54c4796c5d-mfbbx 1/1 Running 0 72m
cert-manager-webhook-77ccf5c8b4-m6ws4 1/1 Running 2 72m

It will also deploy the Zookeeper cluster based on the bitnami helm chart :

$ kubectl -n zookeeper get podsNAME          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
zookeeper-0 1/1 Running 0 74m
zookeeper-1 1/1 Running 0 74m
zookeeper-2 1/1 Running 0 74m

And finally it deploy the NiFiKop operator which is ready to create NiFi clusters :

$ kubectl -n nifi get podsNAME          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
nifikop-849fc8548f-ss6w4 1/1 Running 0 74m

Deploy Secured NiFi cluster

You will now deploy your secured cluster to do so edit the kubernetes/nifi/secured_nifi_cluster.yaml and set with your own values :

kind: NifiCluster
name: securednificluster
namespace: nifi
initialAdminUser: <your google account email>
# NifiProperties configuration that will be applied to the node.
- <nifi's hostname>:8443
# Additionnals configuration that will override
# the one produced based on template and configurations.
overrideConfigs: |
...<oidc client's id><oidc client's secret>
  • Spec.InitialAdminUser : Your GCP account email (this will give you the admin role into the NiFi cluster), in my case
  • Spec.ReadOnlyConfig.NifiProperties.WebProxyHosts[0] : The web hostname configured in the Oauth section, in my case
  • Spec.ReadOnlyConfig.NifiProperties.OverrideConfigs : you have to set the following properties :
  • : OAuth Client ID
  • : OAuth Client secret

Once the configuration is ok, you can deploy the NifiCluster :

$ kubectl create -f kubernetes/nifi/secured_nifi_cluster.yaml

After 5 minutes your cluster should be running :

$ kubectl get pods -n nifiNAME                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
nifikop-849fc8548f-ss6w4 1/1 Running 0 28h
securednificluster-0-node9tqff 1/1 Running 0 5m52s
securednificluster-1-nodew9tsd 1/1 Running 0 6m30s
securednificluster-2-nodemlxs8 1/1 Running 0 6m28s
securednificluster-3-nodeckw8p 1/1 Running 0 6m26s
securednificluster-4-nodewzjt7 1/1 Running 0 6m24s

Access to your secured NiFi Cluster

To finish you have to get the public IP of the load balancer :

$ kubectl -n nifi get svcNAME                          TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)                                         AGE
securednificluster LoadBalancer 8443:30248/TCP,6007:30517/TCP,10000:31985/TCP 27m
securednificluster-headless ClusterIP None <none> 8443/TCP,6007/TCP,10000/TCP 27m

In my case it’s

We can now update the DNS records of your domains to add a DNS record of type A redirecting your hostname (in my case to the load balancer IP.

I can now access the NiFi cluster using and authenticate on the cluster using the admin account email address I configured in the NifiCluster resource.

Here is my 5-nodes secured NiFi cluster up and running :

5-nodes secured NiFi cluster :

You can now update the authorizations and add additional users/groups.

NOTE: Just have a look on documentation’s page to finish cleaning setup.


To destroy all resources you created, you just need to run :

$ kubectl delete \ securednificluster \
-n nifi
$ kubectl delete crds
$ kubectl delete crds
$ ./ <service account key's path>



Alexandre Guitton
Alexandre Guitton

Written by Alexandre Guitton

Engineering Manager - Data Engineering Platform @Doctolib

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