Dude, where’s my t-shirt?

Alex Vaz
2 min readAug 26, 2014

“Chaos is merely order waiting to be deciphered” ― José Saramago, The Double

If you are like me, when you were a teenager, you had a chaotic bedroom. I like to think it was not a simple chaos but an organized chaos. For the external user (i.e. my parents) it was hard to get it. “How can you find anything in this chaos?” they would ask. But for me it was easy. As long as NOBODY touched my stuff, I could always find whatever I was looking for. Until that day where chaos was really chaos. In that day I couldn’t find that special t-shirt in the middle of my messy bedroom.

A similar analogy can be done to app management. In the beginning (i.e., 6 years ago) your app data could be chaotic, but that didn’t really matter because you knew always where to find the important information. In that case there was only one important KPI to find: number of app downloads. But the app world changed fast and that KPI is just a small part of your concerns as an app publisher. Nowadays you also need to think about usage, both in terms of number of times and duration, you need to think about the actions your users are performing, you need to think about conversions, you need to think about push notifications impact, you need to think about…well, you need to have a full understanding of everything that is going on in your app. If you don’t, you can’t control your user engagement. And if you can’t manage your user engagement you can’t manage your revenue. It is that simple in a world where revenue is dependent on usage and in-app purchases instead of buying for your app. What is not that simple is to get the data for all those “new” KPIs. It’s like the chaos where you can’t find your favorite t-shirt.

So, now you need tools to decipher your chaos and transform it into useful information, so that you can find your t-shirt (i.e. understand your data) and wear it (i.e. act on it).

That’s part of what we are doing at Liquid. We make full sense of your app so you fully understand what’s going on and make the right call. But we do more than that. We give you the tool to easily personalize the app for each user or segment based on any criteria you decide. This way everybody experience the apps as its favorite t-shirt.

Alexandre (@alexandregvaz)

