Fashionize your app

Alex Vaz
2 min readSep 16, 2014

“Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months.” Oscar Wilde

Let’s talk about fashion. This is a market that behaves in a very interesting way. Think about it: it changes every season, but during each season everybody follows the same trend. Yes, even you. It is hard to go to a store and buy a shirt that is from a different color from the ones that are fashionable (unless you’re looking for a white or black shirt, of course). The industry secret is it’s ability to recycle ideas every few years. Yes, you will end up buying a new pair of flared pants again…no, you cannot wear your old ones as they have the “wrong” color. However, although we all wear clothes that are in fashion, we don’t dress all the same. We like to personalize our look, so we can be in fashion in our way.

Now think about the app market. It also behaves a lot like fashion, although seasons are not that well defined. Consider all the Yo-type or Flappy-type copycats that showed up once the original games burst on the scene. And how they quickly died the next “season”. Or how flat design is now fashionable (thanks Apple).

If you want your app to be fashionable, you need to keep changing it and adapting it to the latest styles and trends. In the very crowded market of mobile apps there is a first-to-market advantage, so you need to answer quickly to stay ahead of the curve.

That’s one of the capabilities that Liquid can help you achieve. All you need to do is change the variables on your app from static to dynamic. After that, you are in control of them and don’t need to keep changing the code every time you want to change something. You just go to Liquid’s platform, define the new variable value and it’s done. It is that easy.

Just like fashion where everyone dresses differently adapting trends to their style, you want to give your users a personalized app, specific to their profile and their reality.

Well, you’re in luck. Using Liquid’s powerful analytics platform, you can define any segment you want and personalize variables just for that segment, to dress your app for any user or any occasion. Yes, it is that easy.

Liquid, fashionize your app ;)

Alexandre (@alexandregvaz)

