The first exchange for cryptopeople

Alexandr Grant
4 min readMar 9, 2018


Already 1.5 million people have got to know Tipsner

The main tipsners of the world

Many people have already heard about such projects, as Nimses,, TokenStars, CryptoCelebrities, CryptoKitties, the essence of which is to earn on the popularity of different personages. The main distinction of Tipsner in its global intention is to enrich really useful people.

The guys from Tipsner went further than anyone, they created an exchange where the popularity and public influence become the shares. Investing into any person, you became a shareholder and get its individual cryptocurrency which grows in price together with its development.


The most active tipsner (shareholders) got an idea to create the celebrities to earn on them more, since the cost of their tips directly depends on the popularity. Gradually the stars began to be interested in the platform and confirm their personality to get the dividends which they can use for the self-development, creation of projects and quality content.

Now the beginners on the path of fame don’t need to ask for help but just give the opportunity to invest in themselves.

For example, a musician, instead of the producers and other intermediaries taking the lion’s share of his income, get the income directly from their admirers.

Some of already registered celebrities:

Vitalik Buterin has now 2454.27 tips

Chester Bennington, musician, 3810.68 tips

Vin Diesel, 1192.41 tips

Oxxxymiron, rapper, 2173.55 tips

Emma Watson, 706.63 tips

Tom Hardy, 1104.33 tips

Megan Fox, 1176.17 tips

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, 1495.28 tips

Elon Musk, 1690.60 tips

Robbie Williams, 2250.90 tips

Robbie Williams profile

Mils Kell, blogger, spreading information about himself, jumped to the top lines in rating with 6944.41 tips!

Mils Kell’s profile

Despite your current situation, you receive the income from people who believe in your success.

Thanks to the support of the readers, you can separate the rating of any person online. Everything happening with him in life is reflected on his income.

How the income is distributed

Thanks to the unique algorithm of money means distribution between all tipsners (shareholders), sudden growth and collapse of theexchange by a star is impossible.

Tips don’t have the standard price. For example, Vasya had 1000 rubles, he believed in success of the beginning celebrity and bought 1 tips for his money. And Denis bought the next tips for 2000 rubles. Another 1 tips was bought by Andrew and it cost 3000 rubles for him. The price of tips for everybody became 3000 rubles. A star realizes his projects, gives the tickets to tipsners on the obtained 10% of the transactions commission and increases his slot by 4000 rubles. Now the cost of tips is 4000 rubles. The star sang with playback, Vasya got disappointed and decided to sell his 1 tips having earned 3000 rubles. The cost of tips became again 3000 rubles for everyone.

All over the world the companies go bankrupt due to the economical problems. But here the share price depends on the popularity which doesn’t depend on the external factors since it supported by the most valuable resource — a man.

Development prospects

Having completely switched to the blockchain, the system will be invulnerable and it will be impossible to falsify the people investment rating. Everyone will earn depending on the useful contribution to the society and support of each other.

From now everyone in any corner of the planet will be able to see a real united rating of any person and the more popular he will be, the more possibilities for realization he will have.

Tipsner will allow young talents to develop directly at the expense of the fans, earn much, having completely excluded producers who take 90% of income and pirates copying the content illegally.

The users will be able to earn and get different bonuses in a form of unique content, tickets, presents and different gifts from their idols.

