Alex Sanders — King of the Witches: Call for Videos for the ‘Evening with Alex’ & Online Archive

Alexandrian Witchcraft
5 min readMay 11, 2018


Share your valuable contribution to the Alexandrian Witchcraft Legacy . . .

Firstly, let me start off by introducing this new blog!

Alexandrian Witchcraft

As some of you reading this will already know (hopefully), a website has been under construction for the purposes of sharing and creating an inspirational historical study area. It’s intuitive and interactive design is really exciting for users and we can’t wait for its launch this summer.

Who am I, and why am I involved?

My name’s Ryan, again if you’re familiar with any of the related blogs on Medium or Facebook pages/groups you may have seen my name somewhere on your web travels.

Me doing this blog and creating the ‘Evening with Alex’ advert ….

I am not an Initiate of the Craft, but a Millennial who happens to have a background in most things computers. This is where I have become connected to the Alexandrian Witchcraft Online Archive project.

I felt this was important for me to mention because although I am involved heavily in the Alexandrian circle in London now, I felt my initiation was probably assumed by many. The reality is, I am just helping Alexandrians.

This blog isn’t going to be a normal ramble; this blog is all about content and a call for content from you for two reasons.

Reason 1:

Alex Sanders passed away 30 years ago this year and we are holding an event to celebrate his life, legacy, and contribution to the Craft — ‘An Evening with Alex Sanders — King of the Witches’. People who knew or met him are still around and we are looking to capture some of their memories by video (fancy video camera or phone is fine, it all works) — just 2 or 3 minutes of you/them telling us of your/their fondest memory of Alex.

Equally important are the stories from people who never met Alex but have been influenced by him and his work. Tell us about why and how he is so important to you and your magical work.

Then, send me your video and let me do the rest.

For those who can attend the event (which will be recorded), of course we’d love to hear the stories in person; here is how you can be there:

Mary Ward Conference Hall

The Evening will start with an Alexandrian Rite led by Maxine Sanders.

Followed by speakers, films, memories and celebration of Alex’s life 30 years after his death.

Reason 2:

You may have heard about the Alexandrian Witchcraft Online Archive, the lady who I’m working with on it has been talking about for a couple of years now and the launch of the first of five phases is due to happen in the next few months.

We have a ton of stuff already and have not even scratched what’s out there that hasn’t been uncovered. Reality is, a website and repository of this kind comes to life with your input. Content comes in many forms — newspaper clippings, anecdotal memories, pictures, audio recordings and of course VIDEOS!!!

Why are videos so important? Well let’s face it, you can’t argue with a video. It’s factual, sometimes shocking, sometimes fascinating — whatever the video is of, it tells more stories than still pictures and a bunch of paperwork. Videos are immersive and help us re-live or experience things we might not otherwise have the opportunity for. Videos are powerful to us humans because they involve the viewer much more emotionally than any other kind of media.

Reasons 1 & 2 combined

So here’s an invitation, make a short video as explained above for the Evening with Alex and it will be incorporated into a video montage my guv’s got me making for the event. It won’t just be forgotten afterwards, it will continue to live on in the online Archive.

So, have a think, dig deep, get the old tapes out of the loft… Do you have any videos of Alex? Photos? Stories? Do you remember something he told you? If you answer ‘no’ and yet you were lucky enough to meet him, there must be something to tell as it seems he was unforgettable.

Easy Steps:

I have set up a special email to make life easier:

All you have to do is email me!

NO REALLY — That’s it!

If you have items you’d like to send in but get stuck at a hurdle for any reason; please email me detailing what it is you have, and I will do my best to provide a solution to you.

If you’d like to send in any files that are too large for an email, you can use this:

WeTransfer will allow you to send files up to 2GB for free. It’s super simple to use, so click on the link above and all will be explained — it’s very intuitive.

Additional Tip:

Were you lucky enough to have one of these? (if yes — great!)

If you have any old tapes/8mm reels/camera cassettes and have no means of transferring them to a computer or perhaps the video camera the tapes would be used in stopped working decades ago, I would appreciate being emailed with what could be on the tapes if you know and any information regarding them like manufacturer and model number.

Summary of contact details:

Email address for submissions and questions:

For larger files please use:

I look forward to hearing from you.

