UX for sports retail

Alex Ceneviva
5 min readMay 26, 2024


As senior design manager in SBF Group I worked cross-functionally leading 5 parallel continuous discovery and delivery initiatives of an H3 nature — aiming to create new avenues of growth — as part of this Engagement Program to SBF Group.

Check related recommendations from my managers here.

CRAVA is one of these 5 projects, a product that I actively worked on as a design lead and that has reached scale. Here I objectively present some highlights during the Discovery and Lean Inception stages, which took place between 2021 and 2022. After that, the product underwent strategic adaptations until it reached scale, including naming and branding, changing from CRAVA to SPOINT.

App store sales pitch

I bring here the work model, the research and workshops carried out, communication assets used, user acquisition and retention strategies, the metrics pursued and the impacts achieved.

The 5 parallel discovery initiatives to explore new growth paths that I led the design chair on

A glimpse of context

Expressive SBF GROUP numbers in the Brazilian market

My role in CRAVA

App store sales pitch

For this one of 5 initiatives as UX and project leader with a team of 4 UX and UI designers, I played both strategic and operational roles, involved in strategic decision-making with leaders in fortnightly PDCA rites, and naturally in the technical tasks of planning, management and driving UX frameworks, from waves of research and analysis of results to organizing actionable consumer insights to generating solution and product hypotheses for testing from Problem Fit and Market Solution Fit to Scale, following the growth of the confidence curve in the solution we were developing in a constant discovery and delivery effort.

Maintaining the team’s energy and engagement is obviously vital for any initiative, so I held 1:1, 360º and retro meetings periodically, trying to avoid the need for crisis management and ensuring a good relationship, in addition to providing career advice throughout the process.

Building CRAVA

Through research during the discovery stage we were able to find and test our unique value proposition and begin to look for attraction models based on the customer insights that were discovered.

Working on an issue such as sedentary lifestyle requires the creation of an effective rapport with the users. It requires seeing yourself as a legitimate partner, empathizing with users’ pains and supporting them to achieve their plans with obstinacy. Creating personas of course helped us in this process.

Finding the ideal customer profile (and also other relevant profiles) is of great value so that your tests are carried out in an optimized manner.

The working model

Integrated work through schedules and periodic rites helps ensure Design and Data work hand in hand.

But it is important that in the governance of initiatives, issues related to people are worked on closely and with true attention, avoiding natural frictions that tend to occur and bringing a vision of complementarity to different profiles. Ultimately, this is what creates the richness of exchanges and different points of view.

Innovation is truly about diversity and ensuring freedom for each person to be a protagonist in building meaningful stories!

Research and Workshops

The plan above seeks to demonstrate my organization of my research and workshop planning over time, showing a little of my process of organizing the project step by step, which also requires the ability to adapt to changes, new discoveries and adaptations of strategy along the way.

Uncertainty is a powerful ally to be adopted as part of the process.

Market & Communications

Acquisition & Retention

At a certain point it is necessary to create relevant strategies to boost the achievement of our OKRs and generate key learnings regarding how strategic partners accept our solution proposal.

The acquisition of a partner with the North American STRAVA, one of the biggest players in the market for tracking physical exercise which incorporates social network features, is a sign that we are on the right path. In addition to being an opportunity to validate lots of aspects of the operation.

Customer Experience



SPOINT webpage
Partnership on Strava pages



Alex Ceneviva

Senior UX Designer and Consumer Insights Specialist Helping businesses grow through the development of strategic products and services.