The Maze of Product Management: Navigating Expectations in Product Development”

Alexander Hilton
12 min readDec 26, 2023

Welcome to the thrilling world of stakeholder management in product development — a realm where the straight lines of our plans often resemble a bowl of spaghetti and where the word ‘straightforward’ is anything but.

Imagine, if you will, you’re embarking on a journey. You’ve got your map, your compass, and a clear destination. But here’s the twist: your fellow travelers, the stakeholders, each have their own maps, and somehow, none of them match. Welcome to the land of conflicting interests and competing visions!

In an ideal world, the path from a brilliant idea to a successful product would be as linear as a well-drawn graph. Start at point A, move steadily to point B, launch a product, and voilà! Success! But anyone who’s spent more than a minute in product management knows that this is more fantasy than reality.

Let’s face it: our stakeholders can sometimes seem like they’re from different planets. On one hand, we have those who dream big — they want the moon, preferably by next Tuesday. On the other, there are the pragmatists, who remind us gently (or not) about budgets, timelines, and something called ‘feasibility’. And in the middle of this cosmic tug-of-war, there you are, trying to chart a course that keeps everyone more or less happy, without losing…



Alexander Hilton

AI & Analytics Enthusiast, RTE & Agile Coach, leveraging AI insights and Agile practices to boost team performance. MBA, CSP-SM, SCP6, S@SP, A-CSPO, PMI-ACP.