Alex ehigie
1 min readApr 10, 2023

Exploring Before Explaining Sparks Learning

New elementary science teachers can build student engagement and enhance learning by using the explore-before-explain approach.

Since there are only so many hours in the day, new teachers rapidly realize the importance of maximizing instruction to get the biggest improvements. The finest learning environments, according to the explore-before-explain approach, engage students’ thoughts and provide them with hands-on opportunities so they may learn science by doing. Teachers then help students comprehend concepts better by providing explanations at at the correct time once they have established accurate understandings based on explorations.

You must adopt new perspectives on teaching and learning if you want to become an explore-before-explain instructor. Working with teachers has taught me that planning for particular outcomes guarantees that we are fostering more equal, substantial, and memorable experiences. Many educators who already employ experiential education discover that they can grow their classes. Others modify their lesson plans to focus on the most important aspect of the subject and investigate it before explaining it, in order to maximize the time allotted for instruction.

I provide four recommendations for curriculum development and instructional design for training to be an explorer below.teacher before explaining