Take me to heaven

Kennos Krahl
2 min readJan 7, 2024




Bloody rain doesn’t give me the satisfaction

Nothing does and nobody will

Even the drops from heaven

Burn inside me like a fire from hell

I spit my tongue

See it jumping on the floor

More i say more

Cleaning the earths core

Still I feel as in my mouth

The burn from the heat

Of the sunshine behind clouds

Nothing can stop nor ever will

The burn the burn spreads further

How far is it I ask

Further below or even up

Jumping towards from raindrop to raindrop

Where is heaven when not on earth

Where it is cool and hot at once

Going up burns

Going down burns more

I watch my tongue melt

Melt with the sky and earth below

Feel my skin melt

Asking where to go

Should I follow

Or stay the same

Become the tongue

Or the body at sake

What should I do if I can’t follow my tongue

What do I become

A liar

Or a prayer at time

I wrote this short poem in order to understand what religion makes and how it can be persecuted. Most times we feel trapped in our bodies and nothing that we do comes close to what we want to achieve. The tongue represents the words we speak and promises we make, which can lead that we want to lose our voice in order not to disappoint any longer. It is not our actions or words that bring us closer to heaven but rather the words we speak that we should chose carefully in order to complete our mission. Chose them carefully and if you speak do what you promised.



Kennos Krahl

Im a young author who writes about the human experience, love and pain, while including philosophical and psychological meaning into my words