Automated Insurance Agents

Alexey Gayduk
4 min readFeb 12, 2019


Automation is a hot topic in many tech-related business fields, and it’s not surprising that it eventually reached and is closely integrated with insurance companies. More and more insurance agents now get an opportunity to automate their services in order to provide better customer support, boost professional performance, and increase sales.

Template vs. Custom Development

There are two general types of automated insurance software development: template and custom. The main difference between these two approaches lies in the fact that the template development implies starting with a customizable, ready-made solution. You get an app where everything is already pre-configured and you can start using it right away. However, the custom approach provides an opportunity to adjust the software closely according to requirements and expand it with more features at will.

The template software is usually cheaper and faster to deploy, therefore, it is a more popular option. There’s also no need to hire an experienced programmer to maintain its operation. Let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of going by the template software development route:

template vs custom software development: pros and cons

As you may notice from this comparative table, template development is a good solution when you need a simple interface and fast implementation for your app. The custom approach, however, can give you more functionality, unique design possibilities, and customization capabilities according to your main business objectives.

Best Practices: Exploring the Custom Experience

To explain how Fortifier can help you develop your app software, we are ready to share some real-life stories about particular successful examples.

Peer Circle Solutions

Peer Circle is an insurtech startup based in Canada. They decided to use our services in order to modernize their management system. The idea was to develop the UI/UX according to the project requirements and bring the company’s performance to a new level.

One of the main tasks of any commercial website is to attract and retain its visitors. The goal was to make the user experience enjoyable and simple so that visitors would like to use the website again. The improvements allowed simplifying the sign-in, claim submission, and general purchase process.

case study: peer circle

To create a user-friendly interface, it is important to take into consideration the target customers’ behavior and their needs. For this purpose, Fortifier implemented the user journey mapping tool. It is needed to increase customer loyalty and engagement and ensure comprehensive work at all stages of interaction. There is no common strategy for drawing a user journey map. Every company has to work on it personally. This is when Fortifier helped Peer Circle to draw their user journey map in the form of infographics and storyboards.

Our dedicated team chose to create a user journey by identifying the main groups of customers (the user personas). Then, we could determine the potential questions they may ask at each stage of interaction with the company. At our disposal were market studies, surveys, web analytics data, and, of course, the personalized practice of communication. A big part of the information we received came from the managers and agents who are constantly working with customers.

Now, Peer Circle provides qualitative support to their customers and manages their claims much faster. It affects user retention as satisfied customers return to the company’s services. Therefore, the company grows alongside its sales and profits.

MetLife Solutions

The next successful example of our custom development capacities is our cooperation with MetLife Solutions. This is an insurance company that had a need to optimize calculations. Usually, insurance agents have loads of paperwork and policy calculations and, of course, there is always the possibility of human error. To minimize the paperwork routine and miscalculations, Fortifier developers decided to automate the workflow. The main focus was on maintaining performance, even without an Internet connection. Above all, we did our best to improve the customer experience.

Once the long project discussions and deep analyses were out of the way, the solution was to develop a mobile policy calculator that would configure many options. For example, the app takes into consideration different factors such as sex, age, risk levels, and provides accurate calculations.

Other improvements allowed the MetLife mobile app to collect and analyze customer data. Later on, the app sends a generated quote directly to the customer’s email. In the past, this job had to be done by insurance agents manually. Now, they can focus on more important, practical tasks. The automation helps to increase the company’s performance and cut expenses.

case study: metlife

In summary, here are the MetLife benefits from the improved mobile app:

  • Enhanced user-friendliness of services;
  • Automation of manual work;
  • Miscalculations minimization;
  • Decrease in maintenance costs.

Insurance agency management requires accuracy and efficiency. Custom software solutions are here to provide multiple ways to automate the cumbersome manual stages of the workflow. They also directly affect user retention. When customers have a good experience while interacting with your app, they tend to come back to your service and even recommend it to their peers.

If you have a project at any development stage, the Fortifier team is always at your service. Our dedicated specialists will provide custom software solutions and suggestions for improvements in your particular case. Please do not hesitate to contact us for more details.



Alexey Gayduk

CEO Fortifier, Panzly. Mentor at Hartford InsurTech Hub