BitRefine group presents multi-purpose deep learning video analysis platform

Charles Fetter
4 min readApr 8, 2019


BitRefine Group offers universal flexible tool for deep visual analysis to the companies that work in automation, medical, security and many other industries. This tool is a new generation of computer vision software that combine traditional recognition algorithms with almost infinite capabilities of artificial “brain” based on deep neural networks. Name of the tool is “BitRefine Heads” and its main purpose is to allow companies automating process of evaluating even the most complex visual data, such as real-world footages or medical imaging.

Capable of recognizing almost any visual object

Working unit, the “Head”, holds a pre-trained artificial neural network structure that is capable of recognizing specific group of objects. If user needs to recognize different types of objects, the only thing he needs to do is to load another neural network into the “Head” and restart processing pipeline.

In other words, if user needs to solve a task detecting another type of objects, he doesn’t need to install another software. He just adds another “Head” to the working system and uploads corresponding neural network that is trained to work with required objects.

BitRefine offers a number of ready-to-use neural network modules as well as fully support clients’ projects, preparing custom neural networks that meet specific requirements.

This flexible architecture allows using BitRefine Heads platform solving almost any task related to analysis of visual data: from detecting people and recognizing faces to dealing with complex medical images.

Highly flexible and scalable platform

BitRefine Heads platform consists of two parts. The first one is working units — the “Heads” that process visual information. The second is managing console that control “Heads” and provides visual interfaces and reports to the user. Single system can be easily scaled up from one unit to hundreds of “Heads” that run on multiple servers or GPUs across large distributed networks.

It is a cross-platform software

Another advantage of BitRefine Heads is that it is truly cross-platform software. Working “Heads” can be deployed on Linux, Windows, macOS or even on tiny compute units such as Raspberry. And built-in web interface allows accessing system from ordinary PC even without installing any software at all.

Flexible yet high-performance processing

Some tasks require very deep networks with millions of interconnected artificial neurons. In order to run such system at high speed you need an expensive cutting-edge hardware. Many other tasks are much simpler and can be solved by tiny neural networks, running on cheap embedded systems.

With BitRefine Heads user doesn’t need to use a complex neural network to solve tasks, that can be solved by a lightweight structure. User chooses and loads neural module exactly according to his needs, keeping algorithms as lightweight as possible. Ultimately this allows significantly reducing investments in computing hardware.

In addition, BitRefine offers highly optimized algorithms that fully utilize advantages of parallel computing on CUDA-enabled hardware. This alone brings advantage in processing speed or in number of processed channels by factor of 10.

Built-in visual reports

The results are available through built-in reports section of BitRefine Heads console. User specifies search criteria, such as period, object of interest, event of interest, etc. and system builds corresponding charts as well as table with all the details.

Deployed as self-contained system or as a part of integrated solution

BitRefine Heads is designed to work as both stand-alone, or an integrated solution. If using as a stand-alone solution client gets all required functions within BitRefine Heads platform. Client doesn’t require to have software development capabilities to deploy system.

In case of integrating video recognition system as a part of a complex system, BitRefine Heads platform offers a number of standard and tailored interfaces. Standard interfaces are: connection to 3rd party DB; real-time network notifications and API. Tailored are fully supported by BitRefine developers.

BitRefine supports a number of distribution options for its clients. Platform offered as a standard software package, as a cloud-hosted service and also as OEM within client’s product.

At the moment BitRefine is actively developing international makets and looking for new partners. If you’re interested in the presented solution, please contact us via official website or just send a “Hello” to


BitRefine group is a data science and computer vision company. We specialize in deep learning video detection and help companies solve the cases where standard detectors and approaches don’t work.

