Dune: Part Two Blurs the Lines Between Reality and Fiction with Snapchat AR

Alex Hoxdson
3 min readFeb 27, 2024


In the realm of entertainment marketing, the integration of augmented reality (AR) technology has become a game-changer, offering audiences immersive experiences that transcend traditional promotional strategies. One such groundbreaking collaboration is the fusion between Legendary Pictures’ highly anticipated sequel, “Dune: Part Two,” and the innovative social media platform, Snapchat. This partnership has birthed an extraordinary AR experience, blurring the lines between reality and fiction and setting a new standard for interactive marketing campaigns.

Snapchat AR
Snapchat AR

Stepping into Arrakis: A Multifaceted AR Experience

Central to this collaboration is the creation of a series of AR filters accessible through Snapchat’s Lens Explorer. These filters serve as portals, transporting users directly into the mystical world of Arrakis, the desert planet at the heart of the “Dune” universe. Each filter offers a unique glimpse into this richly imagined realm:

Embrace the Spice: With this filter, users can envelop their surroundings in a shimmering sandstorm effect, reminiscent of the film’s iconic spice melange. This immersive experience allows fans to feel the essence of Arrakis as they navigate through its perilous terrain.

Don a Fremen Stillsuit: Step into the shoes of the fierce Fremen warriors by virtually donning their iconic stillsuits. These garments, essential for survival in Arrakis’ harsh environment, provide users with a deeper understanding of Fremen culture and way of life.

Command Sandworms: Experience the awe-inspiring presence of a virtual sandworm, the colossal creatures that roam the desert landscape of Arrakis. With this filter, users can control these mythical beasts, tapping into the epic scale of the “Dune” universe.

Explore the Spice Harvester: Get up close and personal with the spice harvesters, the colossal machines that extract the precious spice melange from Arrakis’ desert sands. This filter offers users a glimpse into the industrial marvels that shape the economy of the “Dune” universe.

A Strategic Collaboration for Mutual Benefit

While the primary goal of this AR experience is to generate excitement for “Dune: Part Two,” the collaboration between Legendary Pictures and Snapchat serves broader strategic purposes for both parties. For the film studio, it represents a cutting-edge marketing tool that appeals to younger demographics, leveraging Snapchat’s massive user base to expand the franchise’s reach.

Simultaneously, Snapchat benefits from the association with a highly anticipated film franchise, showcasing the capabilities of its AR technology to a global audience. By offering users an engaging and interactive experience, Snapchat strengthens its position as a leader in social media innovation, attracting new users and solidifying its relevance in an increasingly competitive landscape.

The Future of AR in Entertainment Marketing

The success of the “Dune: Part Two” AR experience underscores the potential of augmented reality development in the entertainment industry. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more ambitious collaborations between filmmakers and digital platforms, pushing the boundaries of traditional marketing strategies.

This trend extends beyond entertainment, with AR poised to revolutionize various sectors, including education, healthcare, and retail. From interactive learning experiences to immersive medical simulations, the possibilities are endless, offering unprecedented opportunities for innovation and engagement.

Challenges and Considerations:

However, the widespread adoption of AR also brings forth challenges that must be addressed. Chief among these is the need for responsible development practices that prioritize user privacy and data security. Developers must ensure that AR experiences are transparent about data collection and usage, respecting users’ rights and preferences.

Moreover, crafting compelling AR experiences requires a keen understanding of user experience design principles. Developers must strive to create intuitive and seamless interactions that enhance, rather than detract from, the user experience. This entails striking a delicate balance between innovation and usability, ensuring that AR technology remains accessible and enjoyable for all users.


The collaboration between Legendary Pictures and Snapchat for the “Dune: Part Two” AR experience exemplifies the transformative power of augmented reality in entertainment marketing. By blurring the lines between reality and fiction, this immersive experience offers fans a unique opportunity to explore the richly imagined world of Arrakis.

Looking ahead, AR technology holds tremendous potential to reshape not only entertainment but also various other industries. As developers continue to push the boundaries of innovation, it is essential to prioritize responsible development practices and user-centric design principles. By doing so, we can unlock the full potential of AR and create meaningful experiences that captivate and inspire audiences worldwide.



Alex Hoxdson

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