Cocatrice’s Fury — Splinterlands

2 min readNov 13, 2019


Hello everyone, today I share another video of Splinterlands and one of its monsters, the cocatrice, this mythical creature with the head of a rooster and the body of a dragon or snake.

The cocatrice is a neutral monster, which I usually use when the Super Sneak rule appears or when all monsters with melee attack can attack from any position (Melee Mayhem rule).

In this video I show you an example, as he is very vulnerable because he does not have much life, he left him in the intermediate positions in this way he attacked and contributed to the victory, nobody attacked him but I am sure that his enemies would fail some attack because he has the ability to fly.

You can watch the video here or directly from YouTube.

I don’t use this monster so often because my attacks usually include magic, but you still have to learn how to use all the available monsters and the cocatrice in particular should go well with the earthquake rule.

I would really like to level up this monster because I know it has a lot of potential.

I say goodbye to another opportunity, reminding you that if you want to start playing you can follow this link.

