My Father Had an Affair But I Only Cried Once

I still think that faithful men exist.

Alexia Dominique Reyes
Lover Bites
3 min readOct 13, 2023


Photo by Willian Justen de Vasconcellos on Unsplash

I knew that my father was cheating on my mother when I was in college. I think it was in 2014. I just woke up and then my mom was in the living room, and she told me about it.

I sat on the couch, and then tears ran down my face. And that was the only time I remember that I cried about it.

It didn’t affect me, especially my love life. I have been single since 2010, but I feel that I have been single since birth because the relationships I entered didn’t fit the definition of “romantic relationships.”

So the reason why I’m not interested in a relationship now is that I got used to being single. I’m more afraid of losing my freedom than of being cheated on.

Cheating is common in this world, but I know that there are faithful people left because I personally know some of them.

Not all men have the strength to be unethical.

And there are men who can love only one person until they die.

My father’s cheating had a massive impact on my mom. But apart from my mom, if there is a person whose world has been shattered by the news, it is my younger brother because he was the one who discovered it.

He slit his wrist when he found out. I think he did it before he broke the news to my mom. He struggled to keep quiet, so he wanted to die.

I can never do that to myself. Killing myself, that is.

That was the only time he became suicidal, though. He went back to his usual self eventually. I just buy him food when he (and my little brother whom I call “cutie pie”) is hungry.

I don’t know why I only cried one time and why it didn’t affect me so much given that I am my parents’ only daughter. But I guess it is because my life was already dark at the time, and it couldn’t become darker.

It could also be because I had been liking people one-sidedly before the event, so I couldn’t totally empathize with the situation. I was also just a teenager, so I didn’t know what my mom really felt.

Or maybe I subconsciously hated my father before it happened and it was subconsciously a relief to me when they broke up. Hmm???

Whatever the reason, it turned out that leaving my father was the best thing my mom did. Currently, we are living peacefully and happily.

My father and I are on good terms, but we don’t converse. The connection between him and us has changed, and his mistress would be mad at him if she found out he uttered 100+ words around us.

It was chaotic in the beginning, but my mom did whatever she could to keep the family intact and she couldn’t because my father didn’t want to cooperate. They are married after all, and they made a promise.

But a marriage (and any relationship) can work only if both want to make it work. If the other person doesn’t want to meet you halfway, you will just be more broken and frustrated in the end.

So if one day I decided to be in a relationship, I wouldn’t tell my partner not to cheat on me. I don’t want to control other people after all.

I would just want to know if he is not happy with me anymore because I would be willing to let him go and be with someone else if he isn’t. It would be better for my mental health and his reputation.

That’s a win-win situation.



Alexia Dominique Reyes
Lover Bites

I write about languages and cultures, plus some random stories about my life. Work with me?