New York City and all that Jazz

Alexia Velev
2 min readJul 19, 2017


Brooklyn Bridge.

After an end to a busy yet exciting week of work at LiveTiles, we couldn’t wait to use every second of the weekend to explore New York further. We climbed the Brooklyn Bridge, a marvel of design as well as an incredible view of the city. A full day discovering the quirky streets of Brooklyn, included visiting Smorgasburg — the largest weekly food market in America where we tried an intriguing yet delicious ramen noodle burger and Mediterranean inspired ice-cream characterised by a chewy texture.

An exhilarating live jazz set at Fat Cat — a bar downtown and a sunny Sunday spent enjoying the beauty of Central Park, made a great end to a very memorable week.

Central Park — taken by Daniel’s drone.

Eager to get straight into our second and final week at LiveTiles, it was time to do the “plumbing” behind our web pages. Our visually appealing templates needed to transform into an interactive site, displaying relevant information when called upon.

It began with our mentor, David giving us an outline of what he wanted the final product to be like but left a lot of the how’s to our own research and attempts. Having the least exposure in the team to the “architecture” and programming behind web pages, getting my head around the concepts was a tough yet fascinating delve in the deep end. After small hints from David when brick walls were hit, as a team we managed to create a working search page that was able to filter through a database to refine searches of useful collateral documents.

LiveTiles NY Headquarters office.

The interactivity of our search site is finally complete and all that is left to do, as David says, is ‘to make it look amazing’.

Being put on a steep learning curve during our internship at LiveTiles has been an absolute blast! We’re excited to do some final touches and present our completed work within the next couple days.

