Is the sun a giant fart?

Alex Insouratselou
3 min readNov 13, 2023


Alright folks, it’s time for another one of my bizarre musings that definitely has no scientific basis whatsoever. Today I’m contemplating the possibility that our trusty sun might actually just be one massive solar fart. Now before you call me crazy, just hear me out for a second!

We’ve all seen those cartoons where a character eats something funky like beans and then lights a match, only to suddenly inflate like a balloon as a giant burp comes erupting out. Well, what if our entire solar system is just the aftermath of a truly epic celestial belly bomb from some giant unknown entity drifting through the cosmos one fateful day? I can just picture it now — this massive being chows down on some intergalactic chili cheese dogs then lets out the mother of all mega mega flatulence. Boom, out billows our giant gaseous sun followed by all the planets, moons, asteroids and other cosmic debris.

Now I know what you’re thinking — a star being a fart makes absolutely no scientific sense. But stay with me here people, I’m just having a bit of fun speculating! We know the sun is essentially a massive burning ball of hydrogen and helium gas held together by its own gravity. But what if that’s all just a cover story and the real reason for its immense size and heat is that it’s still burning off the residual gases from a truly titanic trumpet blast from eons ago? I mean, if you’ve ever been in a small room with someone who’s crop dusted, you know how lingering and warming those noxious fumes can be. Our sun could just be the never-ending smolder from the biggest butt bellow the universe has ever seen!

Of course, I don’t actually have any proof to support this rather ridiculous theory. Our astronomers and astrophysicists have painstakingly studied the sun and determined it formed like other stars via the gravitational collapse of a giant cloud of molecular hydrogen within a larger molecular cloud or giant molecular cloud during the formation of the Milky Way galaxy. But scientific consensus isn’t as fun to speculate about as the idea of our entire planetary system being one big toxic waste from a history-making heinous heinie trumpet. Just think — we’re all essentially living inside one never-ending Dutch oven that was passed eons ago! Now that’s what I call sustainable energy folks.

So in conclusion, is the sun truly just a giant fart? Highly unlikely from a scientific perspective — but definitely entertaining to ponder from a completely absurdist point of view on a slow Sunday afternoon. Who knows, maybe someday we’ll discover irrefutable evidence like elemental traces of beans, cabbage and IPA in the solar winds that confirms beyond a doubt that our giant gaseous orb is indeed the lingering stank from the biggest butt blowout in the cosmos. A guy can dream! In the meantime, I’ll be out here dreaming up more crackpot theories to amuse myself and perhaps give you all a good chuckle. Thanks for indulging my silly musings — same time next Sunday for another one of my completely unfounded musings! Hasta later!



Alex Insouratselou

I am a calm and creative person. I like to explore the world, create and write.