Artificial Intelligence

Alexis Chilcote
3 min readOct 16, 2022


The universe is far more complex and inspiring than what was thought centuries ago. Over the years, humanity has evolved and developed into something above being a simple organism to now having technological advances through Artificial Intelligence. Today have software systems, IBMS, computers, etc. that have accelerated the quality of life and forever changed society. We went from not knowing there was other planets outside of earth to traveling to the moon; not being able to travel long distances to flying across with global within days. Through learning about Artificial Intelligence, the question asked here is, should society be afraid of AGI what is to come or embrace and wait for it to happen?

Learning about AI and how it will lead the way to a new society where we will flourish and grow changed my view of technology itself. I have never been one to put much thought into how computers will impact the future, especially if we don’t take matters into our own hands. I have heard social media talk about them taking over jobs, changing how the economic system works, and even the work force industry. People even talk about how robots will take over the world. I always thought these concerns were over exaggerated and most likely not going to happen. This learning completely changed my perspective.

Both Tegmark and Harris point out how crucial it is we stay ahead of them game and taking a proactive approach to what is to come with AGI. Tegmark argues that the way we’ve approached new advancements in the past like cars and waiting for mistakes to learn. With AI progressing the way it is at the rate it is we won’t have time. (Tegmark, 2018) Harris states that there isn’t a proper emotional response to AI. Eventually we will create machines that will be smart enough to improve themselves. (Harris, 2016)

One of these upcoming advancements is the Autonomous Vehicles that will drive themselves. It didn’t occur to me how far we’ve come along with these improvements and that these self-driving cars are going to be the future of society. It’s going to create independence and mobility for everyone, including the elderly and disabled. In learning this, I see how important continuing to improve AI to make the world a better place. (Dan LaBruna, 2018).

What was shocking for me to learn was the perspective he used about AI still being susceptible to hacking and malfunction and it won’t be a threat out of hate form humans, but no longer being aligned with man-kinds goals. Unless something detrimental happens, mankind will continue to advance technology; it’s almost a given. Technology has the possibility to transform disease, poverty, crime, and it’s up to us now to take the initiative and empower technology instead of being overpowered. Although people say we have time, using that to assure people is just a way to cover up. We have no clue how long it will take us to get a safe way to superintelligence. My emotional response to AI and what’s upcoming has changed. I now see how crucial it is to start taking action and urgency in what we’re doing to ensure a safe future.

Ted Talk. (2016). Sam Harris: Can we build AI without losing control over . Retrieved 2022, from

How to get empowered, not overpowered, by Ai. (2018). Max Tegmark: How to get empowered, not overpowered, by AI | TED Talk. Retrieved October 9, 2022, from

TEDx Talks. (2018, October 23). Is My Driverless Car Ready Yet? | Dan LaBruna | TEDxYDL [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved October 16, 2022, from

