Mastering the Launch: Your Full-Stack App Deployment Guide with Netlify and Render

Alexis Boucouvalas
5 min readJul 24, 2023


Congrats on finishing your full-stack app! You’ve invested time, effort, and creativity to build a remarkable application, and now it’s time to take it live. In this blog post, we’ll explore some valuable tips and tricks to ensure a smooth and successful launch of your full-stack app using Netlify for front-end deployment and Render for back-end deployment. Let’s dive in!

Deploying the Back-End

When embarking on the deployment of your full-stack app, it’s essential to begin with the back-end. Deploying the back-end first is crucial as it provides the necessary URL that enables your front-end to make requests to the server. By ensuring the successful deployment of the back-end, you lay the foundation for seamless communication between the front-end and back-end components of your application.

Render is a powerful cloud platform that simplifies back-end deployment, offering robust features and an intuitive interface. In this blog post, we will walk you through the process of deploying your back-end with Render, helping you unleash the full potential of your application. Let’s explore how Render can streamline your back-end deployment journey!

Signing Up and Creating Your Render Account

To begin, visit the Render website and sign up for a free account. Once registered, you can access the Render dashboard, where you’ll manage your deployments.

Setting Up Your Back-End Service

1. Connect Your Git Repository
In the Render dashboard, click on “Add a new service” and select your preferred Git repository. Render seamlessly integrates with GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket.

2. Configure Your Back-End Service
Render automatically detects your application type based on the repository, but you can customize the build command and other settings if necessary.

3. Select Your Deployment Environment
Choose the cloud provider and region where you want your back-end service to be hosted. Render supports AWS, Google Cloud, and others, ensuring flexibility in your infrastructure choices.

4. Deploy Your Back-End
After configuring your back-end service, click on “Create the service” to trigger the deployment process. Render will build and deploy your back-end automatically.

Custom Domains and SSL Certificates

Render offers the option to set up a custom domain for your back-end service. By following the provided instructions, you can link your domain to your deployed application. Render also automatically handles SSL certificate provisioning, ensuring secure connections for your users.

Monitoring and Scaling

Render provides powerful monitoring tools to track the performance of your back-end service. You can observe metrics such as response times, CPU usage, and memory usage, allowing you to optimize your application for efficiency. Additionally, Render’s auto-scaling feature ensures your back-end resources adapt to varying levels of traffic, providing a seamless experience for your users.

Putting it Together

Now that we have both the back-end deployed, we need to connect it to your front-end before we deploy it. To do this, we’ll need the url for the back-end that I mentioned earlier. Once we get this url we need to modify any FECTH requests we may have in our front-end.

Right now, your FETCH request may look something like this:

.then(response => {
// Handle the response
.catch(error => {
// Handle errors

But we need to change it to look more like this:

.then(response => {
// Handle the response
.catch(error => {
// Handle errors

In the first example, we’re using the url given to us when we run json-server --watch db. json, assuming our data file is called db.json. This way is great while you're still developing and testing your app, however, if you were to deploy your front-end with this, clients would not be able to see anything you are trying to display from that file as it's a local file. When we deploy the back-end, we get a url, like the one in the second example, that when used in place of the local file in the FETCH request, allows for clients to see what you are trying to display.

If you need a refresher on FETCH requests, take a look at my blog: FETCH Requests for Beginners

Deploying the Front-End

Now that we have our back-end all set up and ready to go, we can get to the fun part! Deploying the front-end can be particularly exciting because this is the part people will actually get to interact with and witness all your diligent efforts come to life.

Deploying the front-end with Netlify is a breeze, and the platform offers a host of impressive features that enhance the user experience. This is where people will get to interact with your application, making it crucial to ensure a smooth deployment.

Setting Up Your Netlify Account

To get started, head to the Netlify website and sign up for a free account. Once you’ve signed up, you’ll have access to the Netlify dashboard, where you can manage your projects and deployments.

Deploying Your Front-End Project

1. Connect Your Git Repository
In the Netlify dashboard, click on “New site from Git” and select your preferred Git repository. Netlify supports popular platforms like GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket.

2. Configure Build Settings
Netlify will automatically detect your build settings based on the repository. However, you can customize the build command, publish directory, and environment variables if required.

3. Trigger Deployment
Once you’ve configured the build settings, click on “Deploy site” to initiate the deployment process. Netlify will build and deploy your front-end application automatically.

4. Domain Setup (Optional)
By default, Netlify provides a subdomain for your deployed app. You can also set up a custom domain for a more professional look. Simply follow Netlify’s documentation on domain setup to link your custom domain to the deployed site.

Leveraging Netlify’s Advanced Features

Netlify offers advanced features that can take your deployment process to the next level:

Form Handling: Utilize Netlify’s built-in form handling to capture and process form submissions from your front-end application without the need for a back-end server.

A/B Testing: Experiment with different variations of your app using Netlify’s split testing feature to understand user preferences and optimize your app accordingly.

Monitoring and Analytics

Monitor the performance of your deployed app using Netlify’s analytics tools. Keep track of important metrics such as visitor traffic, response times, and error rates to gain insights into user behavior and identify areas for improvement.


Congratulations on successfully deploying both your back-end with Render and your front-end with Netlify! By following this comprehensive guide, you’ve laid a solid foundation for a seamless and delightful user experience. Now, users can interact with your full-stack application and witness the results of your hard work.

