She Poisoned Her Ex-Boyfriend’s Mom.. Or Did She? The Story Of Kaitlyn Conley

Alexis Hammond
15 min readJan 16, 2023

At 60 years old, Mary Yoder had it all. She met her husband, 68-year-old Bill Yoder, in college in 1975. Together, they had three children and owned a locally-beloved chiropractic family care practice in Whitesboro, New York. Their business was successful, having been open for 28 years. Mary herself was in great health, and made daily efforts to stay that way. On top of their chiropractic business, Mary also ran an in-office vitamin business. She was known and loved in her community, and many people looked up to her as an inspiration to achieve a healthier lifestyle.

Mary Yoder

When Mary died on July 22, 2015, her local community was in shock. Despite being in great shape, she had suddenly become ill two days prior with seemingly no explanation. While at first she thought it might have just been a stomach bug, her condition rapidly declined after being admitted to the hospital. The first autopsy gave no answers, but due to Mary’s immaculate health suddenly deteriorating with no known cause, there was suspicion that she may have been poisoned. When investigators began looking into the people closest to her, they discovered disturbing findings about three different individuals. After going on a wild goose chase attempting to narrow down the suspects, they locked in on who they believe murdered Mary, successfully getting a…



Alexis Hammond

I’m a doula, photographer/writer, CBE, and mother. I advocate for women, children, and animals— but mostly just a better world. Hire me if you want to!