The magic behind npm link
Node.js has a very simple module loading strategy. Whenever you require()
a module, the following steps are executed in order:
- If it is a core module, load the core module.
- If it is a relative path, load the module from the relative path.
- Look for the module in the
directory. If it is not there, recursively search in the parent directories’./node_modules
until either the module is found or the root of the file system is reached.
Note: You can specify a NODE_PATH
environment variable to make Node.js search for modules in other folders, but it is not recommended.
Loading a local module
The npm link
command is special because it allows you to load a module from anywhere on your computer.
Here is an example:
1. Create (or download) an npm module to your computer:
cd ~/Desktop
git clone
2. Run npm link
inside the module’s root folder:
cd ~/Desktop/node-randomstring
npm link
3. In a different directory, run npm link <module_name>
mkdir ~/Desktop/my-project
cd ~/Desktop/my-project
npm link randomstring
4. Now, you can require the linked module from within your project:
# ~/Desktop/my-project/app.jsconst randomstring = require("randomstring");
The cool thing about npm link
is that any change you make in your required module will be immediately reflected in your project.
For example, let us replace the generate()
function with a slightly less useful one:
# ~/Desktop/node-randomstring/lib/randomstringexports.generate = function(){
return 4; // chosen by fair dice roll.
// guaranteed to be random.
If we run our app again, we will see a result of 4.
Being able to load a local module is really useful if you want to make changes on the required module and test them immediately in the context of your project, without going through a publish/install cycle.
How does it work?
It might seem like npm link
is doing some magic to side-step Node’s module loading strategy, but the truth is there is nothing special about it:npm link
just creates two symbolic links.
1. The global symlink
When you run npm link
in a module’s root directory, npm creates a symbolic link from your “global node_modules” directory to the local module’s directory.
The “global node_modules” directory is a special directory where all modules installed with
npm install -g
are stored. You can find the path to your global node_modules directory by runningnpm root -g
You can see the symlink that was created by running:
> ls -al $(npm root -g)lrwxrwxrwx 1 alexishevia alexishevia 43 Mar 22 21:19 randomstring -> /home/alexishevia/Desktop/node-randomstring
2. The local symlink
When you run npm link <module_name>
in a project’s directory, npm creates a symbolic link from ./node_modules/<module_name>
to <global_node_modules>/<module_name>
You can see the symlink that was created by running:
> ls -al ./node_moduleslrwxrwxrwx 1 alexishevia alexishevia 64 Mar 22 21:19 randomstring -> ../../../.nvm/versions/node/v6.9.5/lib/node_modules/randomstring
Since I am using nvm, my global node_modules folder is: /home/alexishevia/.nvm/versions/node/v6.9.5/lib/node_modules
That’s it: no magic, just symbolic links.
You can “undo” the effects of npm link
by simply removing the symbolic links. But there is a built in command for it, aptly called: npm unlink
Just run npm unlink --no-save <module_name>
on your project’s directory to remove the local symlink, and run npm unlink
on the module’s directory to remove the global symlink.