Small Business Loans, Business Credit Cards, or Corporate Credit: Funding Options For Your Small Business Without Ruining Your Personal Credit or Sabotaging Your Business Success

Ali Katz
13 min readAug 8, 2019
Does using credit cards to fund your business scare you? If so, read on.

There are many options to fund your business start-up or growth: raising money from friends and family, going the venture capital route, using your own savings, or even pursuing crowdfunding. One option that too many business owners rule out, or make poor decisions around, is using credit to fund your business.

Credit, heck let’s not beat around the bush here — DEBT, yes, that four letter word — can be one of the best ways to finance the start-up or growth of your business.

Unfortunately, there is so much bad information, fear-mongering by financial educators, and inherited shame, guilt and fear around the use of debt that most of us are simply not set up to use it wisely.

And, it’s true, if you use credit to fund your business and you do it wrong, you can ruin your credit score quickly and set yourself back years while you clean up and repair. Or in some cases, you can even take yourself out of the game completely, too scared to get back on the horse and ride again.

But, have no fear, I’ve charted the path for us. I went the long way around, got lost several times, used…



Ali Katz

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