Using Neural Networks to Create Paintings

An overview of style transfer and CNNs for content and style representation

Alex Yu
6 min readFeb 27, 2019
The painting generated by an AI that sold for $432,000

You may have heard about the painting that was sold a few months ago for over 400 thousand dollars. It was created by an AI. If you think about that for a sec, it’s crazy!

Deep learning has advanced so much in the past few decades. We’ve gone from having computers not powerful enough to do backprop to ones that are able to generate art. Art! This was literally the only thing we thought computers could never replicate.

AI is becoming more capable than ever, and one of we’re generating artistic images is through a technique called style transfer.

Neural Style Transfer

So what exactly is it? It’s basically when you take the content of one image and you combine it with the style of another. This could be something like taking a photograph of a building and taking another image of a painting. Then mashing together a photograph of a building with a painting to make the building look like it was painted the exact same way.

A diagram from the original style transfer paper by Gatys et. al, source.



Alex Yu

High school student passionate about tech, business, and making cool things.