A Ridiculous Amount of Podcast Resources
Hundreds and hundreds of them
A Quick Note
This is a working list of podcast resources I’ve examined or hope to examine in the future. It’s incomplete, and I’m constantly building on it and adding more resources. It’s overwhelming, so think of it like a bibliography, or a list of potential articles for a lit review; something to file away for later, when you want to learn more about a specific topic. (I’ll be writing about those specific topics in the Podcast Love newsletter the coming weeks and months.)
That said, if you’re looking for a place to dive in, I’ve bolded some of my favorite stuff. And if you’re really gung-ho, you can just start at the top, and plow through to the bottom.
As of now, this article is primarily comprised of my four favorite online resources: Transom, HowSound, Third Coast Festival’s Archives, and NPR Training. There’s a lot more out there, which I’ll be highlighting as I update this and add additional parts. You can track my updates at the very bottom of the page.
If you have any favorites that you think I missed, or if you think I made a mistake, please write me: alex AT podcast DOT love.
And please subscribe to the Podcast Love newsletter!
Start Here: Some of My Favorites
- Out on the Wire: The Storytelling Secrets of the New Masters of Radio by Jessica Abel (Amazon)
- “Bring Extra Batteries” by Rob Rosenthal (Third Coast Festival)
- “The Basics” by Jay Allison (Transom)
- Radio Diaries DIY Handbook by Joe Richman (Radio Diaries)
- Ira Glass’s Manifesto (Transom)
- Alex Blumberg’s Manifesto (Transom)
- Joe Richman’s Manifesto (Transom)
- Catherine Burns’s Manifesto (Transom)
- “D.I.Y. Radio” by Joe Richman (Third Coast Festival)
- “Preaching To Myself: Five Heretical Sermons In Five Minutes” by Jay Allison (Transom)
- Reality Radio: Telling True Stories in Sound edited by John Biewen and Alex Dilworth (Amazon)
- Radio Diaries DIY Handbook by Joe Richman (Free to read on radiodiaries.org, or buy on Amazon )
- Sound Reporting: The NPR Guide to Audio Journalism and Production by Jonathan Kern (Amazon)
Developing Your Show
- “The Most Important Question To Ask Yourself About Your Podcast” by Alex Kapelman (Podcast Love)
- “The Alex Kapelman Guide to the Creation of a Dope Project: 9 Tips to keep indie podcasters happy, sane and moving forward” by Alex Kapelman (AIR)
- “The Only Ten Words that Matter” by Eric Nuzum (Third Coast Festival)
- “99% Invisible” ft. Roman Mars (HowSound)
- “Leave Them Wanting More: In content, it’s always better to leave audiences wanting more than have them wanting less.” by Steve Pratt (Pacific Content)
- “How We Made It: From AIRdaily to airwaves” by Steve Leveenand Fernando Hernández (AIR)
- “Why Meetings will Save Your Friendships: The care and keeping of friends, teams and creative collaborators.” by Amanda McLoughlin (Bello Collective)
Finding Story Ideas
- “The World’s Biggest Scavenger Hunt: A Guide To Finding Stories” by Latif Nasser (Transom)”
- “Your next great idea might be hiding in this list” by Liz Danico (NPR Training)
- “3 simple ways to find story ideas” by Sally Herships (NPR Training)
- “What NPR One can teach us about local story ideas” by Tamar Charney (NPR Training)
- “Neo-Futurism: The Joys (and Rewards) of Forced Creativity” by Greg Allen (Third Coast Festival)
- “Buried Treasures, Again” (HowSound)
- “How To Find Stories Where You Don’t Live” (Transom)
- “Pitching Story Ideas” by Ari Daniel (Transom)
- “Notes from a Pitching Novice” by Bianca Giaever (Transom)
- “What makes a good pitch? NPR editors weigh in” by Alison MacAdam (NPR Training)
- “Pitching to NPR? Our bureau chiefs share their process” by Alison MacAdam (NPR Training)
- Third Coast Festival’s Pitch Panels. 2017: Day 1 and Day 2, 2016: Day 1 and Day 2, 2014: Day 1 and Day 2, 2012: Day 1 and Day 2, 2010:Day 1 and Day 2, 2008: Day 1 and Day 2, 2007: Day 1 and Day 2, 2005: Day 1
- AIR’s Pitch Page (AIR)
- “Spring training for audio producers: Pitch more. Pitch better.” by Elizabeth O’Donovan (AIR)
- “How I Made It: A pitch to win WNYC’s podcast accelerator contest” by Tobin Low (AIR)
- “Perfect Pitching: How She Got to ‘Yes’” by Celeste Wesson (AIR)
Pre-Production and Planning
- “Radio 101: The life of a story from concept to air” by Alison MacAdam (NPR Training)
- “More Pre-Pro, Less Problems” by Amanda McLoughlin (Bello Collective)
- “Imagining The Story” by Rob Rosenthal (Transom)
- “A blueprint for planning storytelling projects” by Serri Graslie(NPR Training)
- “Plan your editorial project in 13 steps (and with lots of sticky notes)” by Eric Athas (NPR Training)
- “Beyond the 5 W’s: What should you ask before starting a story?” by Alison MacAdam (NPR Training)
- “Be prepared: How a production workflow can help you avert disaster” by Rob Byers (NPR Training)
- “A checklist to organize your story process” by Emily Harris (NPR Training)
- “We’ll Drive Till We Find An Exit” by PJ Vogt (Third Coast Festival)
Story Structure and Storytelling
- Dan Harmon’s Story Circle (Channel 101)
- “You asked: How do you tell a story in 3 acts?” by Robert Smith (NPR Training)
- “Understanding story structure in 4 drawings” by Robert Smith (NPR Training)
- “Understanding story structure with the ‘Three Little Pigs’” by Alison MacAdam (NPR Training)
- “Three Shows/Three Techniques” by Alix Spiegel (Third Coast Festival)
- “How to Rock the Funky Story” by Glynn Washington (Third Coast Festival)
- “Improvisation And Structure” ft. Sook-Yin Lee (HowSound)
- “The Broken Narrative” ft. Gregory Warner (HowSound)
- “Story Structure: The ‘e’” (HowSound)
- The Blindsiding Twist ft. Nick van der Kolk (HowSound)
- Shaking Up Storytelling Formulas ft. Robert Smith (HowSound)
- https://transom.org/2015/radio-luck-and-the-gift-of-character-change/
- “My Kingdom For Some Structure” ft. Bradley Campbell (HowSound)
- The Periodic Table of Storytelling by James Harris (jamesharris.design)
- “The Bigness of the Small Story’ by Alex Kotlowitz (Third Coast Festival)
- ‘Krulwich on Gorilla Cage Drama ft. Robert Krulwich” (HowSound)
- ‘Hafid is Free’ (HowSound)
- Image as Metaphor ft. Nubar Alexanian, Sharon Ball, Sherre DeLys, and Sandy Tolan (Third Coast Festival)
- “Featuring . . . the Feature” by Kaye Mortley (Third Coast Festival)
- “A Dual Narrative” ft. Whitney Jones (HowSound)
- “Ira Glass on Storytelling” by Ira Glass (YouTube)
- “Brian Reed — How to construct a compelling story” by Brian Reed (The Conference)
- “AIRdaily dispatch: The art of weaving two storylines” by AIR members (AIR)
- “Edward Stephenson, Tobacco Auctioneer” by Rob Rosenthal (HowSound)
- “How to hook your podcast audience” by Tamar Charney (NPR Training)
- “Complicated Characters” by Lisa Chow (Third Coast Festival)
- “Everyday Voices” by David Isay and Alex Kotlowitz (Third Coast Festival)
- “The Value Of A Sympathetic Character” ft. Ann Heppermann (HowSound)
- “An accuracy checklist to take with you” by Mark Memmott (NPR Training)
- “Fact-Checking ‘A Life Sentence’” ft. Christopher Swetala (HowSound)
- “Fact-check Yourself Before You Fact-wreck Yourself” by Christopher Swetala (Transom)
- “The Fact-checker” by Christopher Swetala (Third Coast Festival)
- “Fact Check This” ft. John Dinges (HowSound)
- “Russell Lewis’s guide to fact checking” by Russell Lewis (NPR Training)
- “Reading List: Fact-checking 101” by Melissa De La Paz (AIR)
Objectivity, Ethics, and Conduct
- “The Wonders of Narcissism” by Sean Cole (Third Coast Festival)
- “Mudslide: The Election of 2016” ft. Bob Garfield, Zoe Chace, Maria Hinojosa, and Sam Sanders (Third Coast Festival)
- “Mudslide Part 2: After the Avalanche” ft. Kai Wright, Eve Epstein, Al Letson, and Leital Molad (Third Coast Festival)
- “Whose Story Is It?” by Alex Kotlowitz, Kelly McBride, and Matt Thompson (Third Coast Festival)
- “NPR Ethics Handbook” (NPR)
- “SPJ Code of Ethics” (Society of Professional Journalists)
- SPJ Ethics Hotline (SPJ)
- “‘Memmos’: Memmott’s Missives & Musings” by Mark Memmott (NPR)
- “The Ethics Of Trespassing And Secret Recording” ft. Jack Rodolico (HowSound)
- “Strangers” ft. Lea Thau (HowSound)
- “A Matter Of Ethics” ft. Jamie Yuenger (HowSound)
- “The Argument of ‘Objectivity’” by Alicia Montgomery and Shaya Tayefe Mohajer (Third Coast Festival)
- “Journalism Of Empathy” ft. Meribah Knight (HowSound)
- “Subjective Reporting” ft. Ryan Sweikert (HowSound)
- “Balance and The Minnesota Marriage Amendment” ft. Sasha Aslanian (HowSound)
- “What If There Was No Destiny?” ft. Pat Walters (HowSound)
- “Why Should I tell You?: A Guide To Less-Extractive Reporting” by Natalie Yahr (Center of Journalism Ethics)
Research and Reporting
- “Don’t ‘radiosplain’ and other ways to report on communities that aren’t your own” by Leila Day (NPR Training)
- “Doorstepping: The Uninvited Interview” ft. Nina Perry (HowSound)
- “Risky Reporting at Fukushima” ft. Anthony Kuhn (HowSound)
- “Just Plumb Gone” ft. Mary Helen Miller (HowSound)
- “Tiny Spark” ft. Amy Costello (HowSound)
- “Alleged Illegal Searches” ft. Ailsa Chang (HowSound)
- “Two Cape Cods” ft. Sean Corcoran (HowSound)
- “The Pirate” ft. Kelly McEvers (HowSound)
- “15 principles of show booking” by Jessica Deahl (NPR Training)
- “Tandem” ft. Anna Rose MacArthur (HowSound)
- “Use targeted search terms to unearth sources on social” by Serri Graslie (NPR Training)
- “Find stories and sources on reddit, Instagram” by Serri Graslie (NPR Training)
- “How to find sources on Twitter: An exercise” by Serri Graslie (NPR Training)
- “The art and skill of working with sources” by Keith Woods (NPR Training)
- “Love Is A Battlefield” ft. Alix Spiegel (HowSound)
- “The Art Of The Pre-Interview” by Sally Herships (HowSound)
Interview Prep
- “Before The First Question” by Rob Rosenthal (Transom)
- The Evolution Of A Story ft. Kolin Pope (HowSound)
- “An accuracy checklist to take with you” by Mark Memmott (NPR Training)
- The Turnaround by Jesse Thorn, Maximum Fun, and the Columbia Journalism Review (The Turnaround)
- “The Burning Question” ft. Audie Cornish (HowSound)
- “Four Feet Under” ft. Clay Bolton (HowSound)
- “Beyond the Green: Radical Encounters in Interviewing” ft. Sook-Yin Lee and Veronica Simmonds (Third Coast Festival)
- “Approaching Approaches” by Alessandro Bosetti (Third Coast Festival)
- “Mastering the Grill: Why Some Interviews Go Up in Smoke” by Brooke Gladstone (Third Coast Festival)
- “Ask Away” by Susan Stamberg (Third Coast Festival)
- “Interview” by Taki Telonidis and Hal Cannon (Third Coast Festival)
- “Stepping In With The Facts” ft. Zach Hirsch (HowSound)
- “Ask Uncomfortable Questions” ft. Ashley Ahearn (HowSound)
- “On Interviewing A Racist” ft. Al Letson (HowSound)
- “Intimate Interviewing” ft. Lu Olkowski (HowSound)
- “Interviewing With Your Skeptical Brain” ft. Sally Helm (HowSound)
- “Death, Sex And Money With Anna Sale” (HowSound)
- “Look At Me, Did I Find True Love?” ft. Alex Kapelman (HowSound)
- “Losing Control In An Interview” by Erica Heilman (Transom)
Field Recording
- “Get great sound every time with this field recording checklist” by Rob Byers (NPR Training)
- “NPR’s Howard Berkes: The fundamentals of field reporting” by Howard Berkes and Alison MacAdam (NPR Training)
- “Active sound: How to find it, record it and use it” by Alison MacAdam (NPR Training)
- “Read this before you record ambience in the field” by Cindy Carpien (NPR Training)
- “Sounds Loved and Sounds Lost” by Aaron Ximm (Third Coast Festival)
- “Sound Seizing: Recording in the Real World” by Michael Johnson (Third Coast Festival)
- “Bionic Pancreas” ft. Rebecca Davis Rob Stein (HowSound)
- “The Last of the Iron Lungs” ft. Julia Scott (HowSound)
- “A brief documentary about the sensorial wonders of field recording” by Anton Spice (Vinyl Factory)
Stand Ups
- “Stand Tall’ by Elizabeth Arnold (Third Coast Festival)
- “You asked: How can I get better at standups?” by Alison MacAdam (NPR Training)
- “Stand Ups” ft. Robert Smith (HowSound)
- “6 NPR stories that breathe life into neighborhood scenes” by Alison MacAdam (NPR Training)
- “‘In the Moment’ Radio” by Scott Carrier (Third Coast Festival)
- “Making a Scene: The Use of Verite to Show, Not Tell, Your Story” by Claire Schoen (Third Coast Festival)
- “To Scene or Not To Scene” ft. Nina Totenberg (HowSound)
- “Dear Craigslist: I Have A Small Swastika Tattoo and I Want It Off” ft. Emily Hsaio (HowSound)
Tape Syncs and Remote Interviews
- “Get Good Tape (Sync)” by Katie Mingle (Transom)
- “Recording Not By The Book” ft. Andrew Norton (HowSound)
- “International Audio/Radio Studios & Tape Syncers” by Sally Herships (Google Sheets)
Vox Pops
- “A guide for gathering vox for NPR — and doing it quickly” by Alison MacAdam (NPR Training)
Recording Tips and Techniques
- “Recording in Remote Locations” ft. Daniel Grossman (HowSound)
- “Avoiding Pesky Recording Problems” ft. Rob Byers (HowSound)
- “Recording Live Events” by Jeff Towne (Transom)
- Graphic by Andrew Norton on coaching interviewees to record themselves on their iPhone (Twitter)
Transcribing, Logging, and Sorting Through Tape
- “Finding The Story When You Know Too Much” ft. Kelsey Padgett (HowSound)
- Chorus of Refuge ft. Kara Oehler, Ann Heppermann, and Jason Cady (HowSound)
- “A No Story Story” ft. Joel Supple (HowSound)
- “Getting To Know Your Tape” by Luke Quinton (Transom)
- “The Podcaster’s Guide to Transcribing Audio” by Join the Party Podcast (Bello Collective)
- “Barf Draft With An iPhone” ft. Bradley Campbell (HowSound)
Writing for the Ear
- “What does a radio script look like?” by Alison MacAdam (NPR Training)
- Nancy Updike’s Manifesto (Transom)
- “Writing for Radio” by David Candow (Transom)
- “Writing for radio: A manifesto from NPR’s Chris Joyce” by Chris Joyce (NPR Training)
- “‘Would you say it that way?’ Tips on writing for your voice” by Alison MacAdam (NPR Training)
- ‘Steve Inskeep: Three songs that will change how you write for radio” by Steve Inskeep and Cindy Carpien (NPR Training)
- “Die, Mediocrity, Die!” by Nancy Updike (Third Coast Festival)
- “Once Upon a Time . . . The End” by Alan Berliner, Gwen Macsai, Joe Richman, and Robert Krulwich.
- “Don’t Write, Tell” ft. Noel King (HowSound)
- “How Not To Write For Radio” by Rob Rosenthal (HowSound)
- “Writing Out Of Tape” ft. Mose Buchele (HowSound)
- “Compassionate Release” ft. Natasha Haverty (HowSound)
- “Radio Writing With Alex Chadwick” ft. Alex Chadwick (HowSound)
- “Radio intros: 7 tips to keep listeners from turning off the radio” by Alison MacAdam (NPR Training)
- “What NPR One can teach us about radio intros” by Alison MacAdam (NPR Training)
- “Radio intros: 5 examples of success” by Alison MacAdam (NPR Training)
- ‘How audio stories begin” by Alison MacAdam (NPR Training)
- “‘Once upon a time’ and other devices for starting your story” by Alison MacAdam (NPR Training)
- “A Question To Start A Story?” ft. Annie Minoff and Elah Feder (HowSound)
- “On Your Mark. Get Set. Start Your Story.” ft. Jessica Terrell (HowSound)
- “Aerobics for your voice: 3 tips for sounding better on air” by Jessica Hansen (NPR Training)
- “poh-TAY-toh, poh-TAH-toh: Guidance on sourcing pronunciation” by Katie Daugert (NPR Training)
- “Human vs. Robot: How to track and still sound like your actual self” by Sean Rameswaram (Third Coast Festival)
- “The Script Disappears” by Dean Olsher, Emily Botein, Jane Feltes, and Julie Snyder (Third Coast Festival)
- “Talk the Copy” by Marilyn Pittman (Third Coast Festival)
- “Narrating To An Audience” ft. Sam Evans Brown (HowSound)
- “Frank Langfitt’s Unusual Voicing Method” ft. Frank Langfitt (HowSound)
- Astound — Personal Voice Coach (Apple Store)
- “Sounding Like Yourself” ft. Viki Merrick (HowSound)
- “The Many Voices of Journalism” by Gisele Regatao (CJR)
- “Mastering Effects: Podcasts and the Authoritarian Voice” by Ismail Muhammad (SFMOMA)
- Note: Audio terms aren’t 100% standardized — when I say “editing” here, I’m referring to editorial direction/feedback.
- “First Off… This is in Really Good Shape” by Jorge Just (Third Coast Festival)
- “Shooting Puppies: A Tutorial” by Bradley Campbell and Pien Huang (Transom)
- “Cultivating the Editor in Your Brain” by Julia Barton (Transom)
- “The audio editor’s resource: Tips for shaping great stories” by Alison MacAdam (NPR Training)
- “Front-end editing: The ‘secret ingredient’ of great audio storytelling” by Andrea de Leon (NPR Training)
- “Six ways to run a listening session” by Alison MacAdam (NPR Training)
- “How to edit with your ears” by Alison MacAdam (NPR Training)
- “Vocabulary for an audio editor: 15 things to say… over and over…” by Alison MacAdam (NPR Training)
- “Guiding reporters: Questions an audio editor should ask” by Alison MacAdam (NPR Training)
- “Just Listen to Yourself” by Deborah George (Third Coast Festival)
- “Trust Me, I’m an Editor” by Ben Shapiro, Deborah George, Emily Botein, Gwen Macsai, and John Biewen (Third Coast Festival)
- “Getting Honest: The Editor, Producer Relationship” ft. Will Coley and Viki Merrick (HowSound)
- “Reading List: Sharpen your editing skills, then sharpen them some more” by Emily Boghossian (AIR)
Mixing and Cutting Tape
- Walter Murch’s Transom Manifesto (Transom)
- “The ear training guide for audio producers” by Rob Byers (NPR Training)
- “Stupid Fade Tricks” by Jeff Towne (Transom)
- “Rock and roll mixing tricks for journalists” by Kevin Wait (NPR Training)
- “Put your audio to the test: Know when to use it or lose it” by Rob Byers (NPR Training)
- “P-Pops And Other Plosives” by Jeff Towne (Transom)
- “Audio truth killers: an approach to collecting better sound” by Kevin Wait (NPR Training)
- “Lessons in Mixing A (Historical) Documentary for Public Radio” by Jeff Towne (Transom)
- “Ask the Engineer: 6 Questions We Want You to Ask” by Rob Byers (AIR)
- In the Blink of an Eye by Walter Murch (Amazon)
- “How to mix: 8 steps to master the art of mixing audio stories” by Rob Byers (NPR Training)
- “The producer’s handbook to mixing audio stories” by Rob Byers (NPR Training)
Sound Design
- “Sound Design 101” by Brendan Baker and Kaitlin Prest (Third Coast Festival)
- “Sound Design: Mark Henry Phillips” by Mark Henry Phillips (Transom)
- “Experiments in Generative Sound Design” by Stephan Moore (Third Coast Festival)
- “Blockbuster Sound” by Tim Hinman (Third Coast Festival)
- “Out of Thin Air: Sound Design for Radio” by Steven Tilley (Third Coast Festival)
- “The Inner Sound of the Outer World” by Jens Jarisch (Third Coast Festival)
- “The Sounds Inside” by Kara Oehler and Ann Heppermann (Third Coast Festival)
- “Avoiding Cheesy Sound Design” ft. Jad Abumrad (HowSound)
- “Sound Design Basics” ft. Matthew Boll (HowSound)
- “Sound As The Protagonist” ft. Nicolas Jackson (HowSound)
- “Tinkering with Sound Design” ft. Martine Powers (HowSound)
- “The New New Sheriff in Town” ft. Kathy Tu (HowSound)
- “52hz” ft. Lilly Sullivan (HowSound)
- “Three Records from Sundown” ft. Charles Maynes (HowSound)
- “Adventures in sound design” by An Uong and Molly Segal (AIR)
- “The Sound of Adventure: A Guide to Soundscaping” by Join the Party Podcast (Bello Collective)
- Sound — A reader in Theatre Practice by Ross Brown (Amazon)
- Keywords in Sound by David Novak & Matt Sakaeeny (Amazon)
- “Sound Design: Jonathan Mitchell” by Jonathan Mitchell (Transom)
- “The Role of Sound Design for Radio and Podcasting” by Jeremy S. Bloom (Jeremy S. Bloom Sound Design)
- “Sound Design: Haley Shaw” by Haley Shaw (Transom)
Using Music*
*For questions about legal usage of music, see the “Legal” section, below.
- Transom’s “Using Music” series (Transom)
- “Score! Best practices for using music in audio storytelling” by Michael May (NPR Training)
- “Compose yourself: a producer’s guide to working with musicians” by Michael May and Nick DePrey (Third Coast Festival)
- “Greenberger and Greenberg: On Story and Music” by David Greenberger and Mark Greenberg (Third Coast Festival)
- “Let Your Sounds Do the Talking” by Jonathan Mitchell (Third Coast Festival)
- “Music: A Force for Good (and Sometimes Evil)” by Jad Abumrad (Third Coast Festival)
- “Music” by Sherre DeLys (Third Coast Festival)
- “Composing Music For Stories On This American Life” ft. Jonathan Menjivar and Matthias Bossi (HowSound)“Jad’s Brain” ft. Jad Abumrad (HowSound)
- “She Sees Your Every Move” ft. Jonathan Mitchell (HowSound)
- “Remixing The Music” ft. Neena Pathak (HowSound)
- “Early Bloom” ft. Peter Frick-Wright and Robbie Carver (HowSound)
- “Kohn” ft. Andy Mills (HowSound)
- “Best Free Sites to Download Creative Commons Music” by Ashutosh KS (Hongkiat)
- “Podcasting Basics, Part 3: Audio Levels and Processing” by Jeff Towne (Transom)
- The Audio Producer’s Guide To Loudness by Rob Byers (Transom)
- “Podcasting Basics, Part 5: Loudness for Podcasts vs. Radio” by Rob Byers (Transom)
Recording Gear
- “The One Kit You Should Buy To Make A Podcast” by Alex Kapelman (Podcast Love)
- “Voice Recording in the Home Studio” by Yowei Shaw with help from Jeff Towne (Transom)
- “Field Gear: Good, Better, Best” by Jeff Towne (Transom)
- “Podcasting Basics, Part 1: Voice Recording Gear” by Jeff Towne (Transom)
- “Lavalier Microphones” by Jeff Towne (Transom)
- “On Booms” by Jeff Towne (Transom)
- NPR Training’s “What’s in your bag?” series (NPR Training)
- “Which mic should I use? (Mics part 1)” by Rob Byers (NPR Training)
- “Which mic do they use? (Mics part 2)” by Rob Byers (NPR Training)
- “Recording Binaurally” ft. Clare Walker (HowSound)
- “Ask the Engineer: Which mic should I use?” by Rob Byers (AIR)
- “AIRdaily challenge: How to record a feast?” by AIR members (AIR)
- “DIY Radio: A gallery of studio selfies” by AIR members and Emily Boghossian (AIR)
- “The Best Cheap Studio Headphones Under $100” by Denise Azucena (Gearank)
- “Putting Wind Screens To The Test” by Jeff Towne (Transom)
- “Audio production FAQ: Headphones, levels, mics and more” by Rob Byers (NPR Training)
- “The difference between a dynamic microphone and a condenser microphone for podcasters” by James Cridland (podnews)
RSS Feeds, Hosting, and Subscribing
- “How to see if Google has indexed your podcast, without an Android phone” by James Cridland (podnews)
- “Podcast subscribe pages for everyone” by James Cridland (podnews)
- “How I built the Podnews podcast pages” by James Cridland (Medium)
- “Podcasting Basics, Part 4: Hosting & Distribution” by Jeff Towne (Transom)
- “Apple will require podcasters to use secure feeds. Only 17% are ready. Are you?” by Dan Misener (Pacific Content)
- “Your RSS Feed: What it is, Why You Need It and How to Use it” by Georgia Grey (Spreaker)
- “Who’s the best podcast host — how to choose” by James Cridland (podnews)
- “Podcasting Basics, Part 2: Software” by Jeff Towne (Transom)
- “Pro Tools: 1 Overview” by Jeff Towne (Transom)
- “REAPER” by Nick van der Kolk with Jeff Towne (Transom)
- Jeff Emtman’s Reaper Tutorials (YouTube)
- “Hindenburg” by Jeff Towne (Transom)
- “Hindenburg Journalist Update” by Jeff Towne (Transom)
- “Basic EQ In Hindenburg” by Jeff Towne (Transom)
- Hindenburg’s “Tutorial’s” page (Hindenburg)
- Hindenburg’s “Shortcuts” (Hindenburg)
- Hindenburg’s Manual (Hindenburg)
Working with Archives
- “Where to find archival audio” by Will Chase (NPR Training)
- “Lessons from Making a Historical Documentary” by Alex Lewis and Yowei Shaw (Transom)
- “The Past Isn’t Past” by Delaney Hall (Third Coast Festival)
- “Hiroshima Revisited” ft. John Biewen (HowSound)
- “Set the Wayback Machine for 1914” ft. David Krasnow (HowSound)
- “The Vietnam Tapes of Lance Corporal Michael A. Baronowski” ft. Christina Egloff (HowSound)
- “The Plane That Flew Into the Empire State Building” ft. Joe Richman (HowSound)
- Collection: Third Coast Audio Festival 2018 Audio Archives Meet Up (Google Drive)
- “Tape to the Rescue” by Michael Barbaro (New York Times)
Working with Kids
- “Project Audio: Teaching Students How to Produce Their Own Podcasts” by Justin Hicks, Laura Winnick, and Michael Gonchar (New York Times)
- “No One’s Source” by Noel Anaya, Lissa Soep, and Teresa Chin (Third Coast Festival)
- “Options and Futures: Teenagers on the Radio — Part Two” by Tatiana Harrison (Third Coast Festival)
- “Options and Futures: Teenagers on the Radio — Part One” by Tatiana Harrison (Third Coast Festival)
- “Teens With Mics” by Sarah Levine (Third Coast Festival)
- “The Future of Radio Is Now” by Czerina Patel, Elvia Bautista, Emily Lafond, Quincy Mosby, and Rocky Tayeh (Third Coast Festival)
- “Gen Next: Youth Producers Share Their Work — Part One” by Cindy Carpien (Third Coast Festival)
- “Gen Next: Youth Producers Share Their Work — Part Two” by Cindy Carpien (Third Coast Festival)
- “Breaking the Mold: Youth Producers Share Their Work — Day One” by Davia Nelson and Nikki Silva (Third Coast Festival)
- “Breaking the Mold: Youth Producers Share Their Work — Day Two” byDavia Nelson and Nikki Silva (Third Coast Festival)
- “New Voices in Radio” by Ellin O’Leary (Third Coast Festival)
- “3rd Grade Audio” ft. David Green (HowSound)
- “Different Not Disabled” ft. Brian Spilbeler (HowSound)
- “6 Tips to Start a Great Podcast for Kids” by Lindsay Patterson (Medium)
Podcasting vs. Radio
- “Audio danger: transgressive voices” by Julia Barton (Nieman Storyboard)
- “Audio Danger: Radio storytelling and the perils of digital permanence” by Julia Barton (Nieman Storyboard)
- “Audio danger: stories from the edge of listening” by Julia Barton (Nieman Storyboard)
Developing Your Style
- “How NPR’s Carrie Johnson found her radio voice” by Alison MacAdam (NPR Training)
- “Chenjerai Kumanyika’s Manifesto” by Chenjerai Kumanyika (Transom)
- “Finding Chenjerai The Storyteller” ft. Cherjerai Kumanyika (HowSound)
- “How NPR’s Sam Sanders is finding his voice” by Alison MacAdam (NPR Training)
- “Voice With a Capital ‘V’” by Ben Yagoda, Dean Olsher, Marty Goldensohn, and Pamela Z (Third Coast Festival)
- “Voice” by Karen Michel (Third Coast Festival)
- “Taking Risks in Radio” by Priya Ramu and Scott Carrier (Third Coast Festival)
Personal Stories and Diaries
- “The Confessional: When is a Personal Story Worth Sharing?” by Sally Herships and Alan Hall (Third Coast Festival)
- “Secrets, Whispers, and Lies: Crafting a Personal Documentary” by Neil Sandell (Third Coast Festival)
- “Making First-Person Stories Stand Out” ft. Megan Tan (HowSound)
- “First-Person Reporting” ft. Sean Corcoran (HowSound)
- “Producing Personal Pieces” ft. Stephanie Foo (HowSound)
- “The Biggest Story In The World” by Francesca Panetta (HowSound)
- “Foils And Other First Person Tricks” ft. Neenah Ellis (HowSound)
- “Life Is Not A Story: Lessons From Making A Personal Documentary” by John Fecile (Transom)
- “Anatomy Of A Code Blue” by Samuel Slavin with Viki Merrick (Transom)
- “Documenter and Documentee — Part One” ft. Joe Richman, Mary Beth Kirchner, and Rebecca Peterson (Third Coast Festival)
- “Documenter and Documentee — Part Two” ft. Joe Richman, Mary Beth Kirchner, and Rebecca Peterson (Third Coast Festival)
Investigative Reporting
- “May I Be An Investigative Radio Reporter Please?” by Laura Starcheski (Transom)
- “How to become an investigative reporter with one simple trick: Ask a good question” by Madeleine Baran and Samara Freemark (Third Coast Festival)
- The Five Percent Rule ft. Sally Herships (HowSound)
Parachute Journalism
- “Parachuting In” ft. Al Letson, Laura Starecheski, and Tina Antolini (Third Coast Festival)
- The Green Lawns of Texas (HowSound)
- “Third Coast Conference: the invisible craft of StoryCorps” by Julia Barton (Nieman Storyboard)
- ‘Why’s this so good?’ №43: ‘Radio Diaries’ on teenage drama” by Julia Barton (Nieman Storyboard)
- “The Invisible Narrator” by Joe Richman (Third Coast Conference)
- “Leave No Trace” by Dave Isay and Michael Garofalo (Third Coast Conference)
Narrative News
- “Third Coast Conference: Are journalism and storytelling ‘frenemies?’” by Julia Barton (Nieman Storyboard)
- “Third Coast Conference: Narrative off the news” by Julia Barton (Nieman Storyboard)
Social Issues and Sensitive Topics
- “Make Them Care: Crafting Narratives About Entrenched Social Problems” by Nikole Hannah-Jones and Chana Joffe-Walt (Third Coast Festival)
- Reporting On Whiteness ft. John Biewen (HowSound)
- Reporting Dark Matters ft. Luke Malone and Pat Walters (HowSound)
- Walking with the Voses ft. Jakob Lewis (HowSound)
- “Reporting On Traumatic Events” ft. Debbie Elliott (HowSound)
- “A Life Sentence: Victims, Offenders, Justice, And My Mother” by Sam Broun (Transom)
- “Reporting Trauma After the Boston Marathon” ft. Zach Hirsch and Bruce Shapiro (Transom)
- “Fighting With My Dad” ft. Richard Paul (HowSound)
- “Audio danger: NPR’s Kelly McEvers on trauma and the calculus of risk” by Julia Barton (Nieman Storyboard)
- “Nodding Syndrome” ft. Matt Kielty (HowSound)
- “The power is in your hands: Increasing the visibility of our stories” Allison Herrera (AIR)
- “The Tyranny of Good Talkers” by Gregory Warner (Third Coast Festival)
- Transom’s “Thoughts on Translation” Series (Transom)
- “Telling Stories Far From Home” by Stephanie Guyer-Stevens (Third Coast Festival)
- “Found in Translation” by Greg Warner (Third Coast Festival)
- Radio Atlas Podcast (Radio Atlas)
Serialized Stories
- “Chapter and Verse” by Julie Snyder (Third Coast Festival)
- “Sports Stories That Work” ft. Bradley Campbell (HowSound)
Audio Fiction
- How to make an audio drama: a conversation with creators Lauren Shippen & Marc Sollinger: “Do the thing and follow your heart and hope for the best.” by Bello Collective (Bello Collective)
- “How to Become an Audio Drama Pro in Just 60 Easy Steps!: Or, how to keep making art when everything keeps falling apart” by Regan Adler (Bello Collective )
Local Radio
- “Finding America: Report to the Field” by AIR and Edison Research (AIR)
- “Reading list: Local journalism” by Emily Boghossian (AIR)
- “Should Stations Produce Podcasts?” by Rob Rosenthal (HowSound)
Audio Tours
- “Audio in Space” by Tim Halbur (Third Coast Festival)
Live Shows
- “HowSound Live!” ft. Michael May (HowSound)
- “Audio danger: Going live” by Julia Barton (Nieman Storyboard)
- AIR’s #LocaloreLive! Series (AIR)
- “Why Can’t Music Be Played In Podcasts?” by Steven Goldstein (Amplifi Media)
- “Are Transformative Fair Use Principles Foul To Musicians?” by Marc D. Ostrow (New Music USA)
- “AIR x Epidemic Sound: Partnership + Every Copyright Myth Debunked” by Alva McNeela (AIR)
- “AIR x Epidemic Sound: Partnership + Royalty-Free vs. Direct License” by Alva McNeela (AIR)
- “How I Made It: Jeff Emtman’s music licensing secrets” by Jeff Emtman (AIR)
- “Copyright and music licensing woes? Here are some resources.” by AIR (AIR)
History of Narrative Audio and Podcasting
- This Is NPR: The First Forty Years by Various Authors (Amazon)
- “A Brief History of Documentary Forms” by Scott Carrier (Transom)
- Radio Experimenters Map by Constellations (Constellations)
- Twitter Thread: Pieces played at “The Art of Noise: A history of experimentation radio/podcasts” (Twitter)
Branded Podcasts
- “Branded Podcast Case Study: True North” by BE Media Production (BE Media Production)
Smart Speakers
- “What is a radio, anyway? And what’s a smart speaker?” by James Cridland (Medium)
Press and Coverage
- podnews
- Hot Pod
- New Yorker
- The Guardian
- Podtopod
- Bello Collective
- Inside Podcasting
- Sara’s Podcast Newsletter
- AudioTeller
- Pod People
- Constant Listener
- Podcasteros
- Earbuds Podcast Collective
- Pacific Content’s newsletter
- Ohr
- 7 on 7
- AIRblast
- Wil Williams Reviews.
- Podcast Brunch Club
- “The Freelance Isn’t Free Law” by Freelancers Union (Freelancers Union)
- “Three clauses freelancers should know (and negotiate), according to lawyers” by Maya Kroth (Columbia Journalism Review)
- “Working the Freelance Game” by Afi Yellow-Duke (AIR)
- “Lessons from an Independent Podcaster” by Amanda McLoughlin (Bello Collective)
- “Freelancers are precarious. When should they push back?” by Abby Seiff (CJR)
Business and Monetization
- “Listen Like An Ad Guy” by Elizabeth O’Donovan (AIR)
- “Listen Like an Ombudsman” by Jeffrey Dvorkin (AIR)
- “Audio Ethics: Native ads & podcasts” by AIR members and Elizabeth O’Donovan (AIR)
- “Finding a Happy Medium in Podcast Monetization: What do producers prefer when it comes to monetization, and is it balanced with what listeners want most?” by Wil Williams (Bello Collective)
- “How to Get Podcast Sponsors: Pitching, Pricing and Ad Sales 101” by Amanda McLoughlin (Bello Collective)
- “Make Your Thing: 12 Point Program for Absolutely, Positively 1000% No-Fail Guaranteed Success” by Jesse Thorn (Transom)
- “The Business of Podcasts” by Kerri Hoffman (Transom)
- “Advertising, Podcasting And Public Radio” by Jay Allison (Transom)
- “Reality Check!” by Jenna Weiss-Berman, Alex Blumberg, N’Jeri Eaton, and Julie Shapiro (Third Coast Conference)
- “Own Your Thing (Part 1)” by Lea Thau, Daniel Alarcón , Hillary Frank, and Nick van der Kolk (Third Coast Conference)
- “Own Your Thing (Part 2)” by Lea Thau, Chris Bannon, Alex Blumberg, and Kerri Hoffman (Third Coast Conference)
- “Own Your Thing (Day 1)” by John Barth, Martina Castro, Roman Mars, and Francesca Panetta (Third Coast Conference)
- “Own Your Thing (Day 2)” by John Barth, Amy Costello, Jesse Thorn, and Benjamen Walker (Third Coast Conference)
- “When and How to Sell Out” by Daniel Sternberg (Third Coast Conference)
- “Mission Possible: Finding Grants for Independent Productions” by Amie Miller (Third Coast Conference)
- “Airtime” by Julia McEvoy and representatives from NPR, PRI, and the Public Radio Exchange (Third Coast Conference)
- “Stopping A Podcast” by Rob Rosenthal (HowSound)
- “Melody Kramer on Expanding the Definition of Membership in Public Media” by Melody Kramer (YouTube)
- “Podcast Accounting — How to do money for podcasters and indie creators” by Amanda McLoughlin (Bello Collective)
- “How to Hire Freelancers for your Indie Project: Advice from audio professionals on finding and working with producers, writers and graphic designers.” by Amanda McLoughlin (Bello Collective)
- “The clause freelance writers should fight to remove from their contracts” by Jack Davies (Columbia Journalism Review)
- “The Queer Guide to Getting Paid” by Fran Tirado (INTO)
- “How Much Money do Podcasters Make?” by Jack Rhysider (Lime Link)
Marketing, PR, Audience Development, and Engagement
- “Switch On, Tune In: Public Media’s New Local Frontier” by AIR and Edison Research (Edison Research)
- “What’s There and What’s Not: A Guide to Constructive Criticism for Podcasts: Building a cadre of critical listeners — and what podcasters can do to equip themselves for feedback” by Ma’ayan Plaut (Bello Collective)
- “Beyond the Headphones: How to Build a Community Around Your Podcast” (Bello Collective)
- “I Am My Target Audience” by Leila Day (Transom)
- “How Radio Producers Can Make the Most of Social Media” by Will Coley (Transom)
- “Press Play on a Podcast Press Kit” by Elena Fernández Collins (Bello Collective)
- “Hacking Podcast Ads: How to Reach Podcast Audiences with Paid Social Ads” by Brett McHale (The WordStream Blog)
- “Press Play on a Podcast Press Kit” by Elena Fernández Collins (Bello)
- “A Content Strategist’s Guide To Marketing Yourself At Podcast Conferences by Ma’ayan Plaut (Podcast Movement)
Podcast-Specific Websites
- “How to Make a Podcast Website That Doesn’t Suck: Eight tips for designing your show’s digital home” by Margaret Howie (Bello Collective)
- “Make sure your podcast website is as accessible as your content.” by Robert W Kingett (Medium)
Cover Art and Visuals
- “Audio Artwork: Podcasts as an art form — literally” by Brittany Jezouit (Bello Collective)
- “How to make amazing podcast artwork” by Dan Misener (Pacific Content)
- “How to Create a Podcast Cover Using Photoshop” by Shianne Edelmayer (Make Use Of)
- “Hot Pod call-for-recs: Freelance Illustrators” by Nick Quah (Hot Pod)
- “Enough with the mic pics: They’re missing the point” by Julia Barton (Current)
- “How I Made It: Poster design in 8 not-so-easy steps” by Cal Tabuena-Frolli (AIR)
You can see a log of all the updates and changes here.