Does your memory suck? We can fix that

Alex Karan
7 min readApr 16, 2022

Especially if you like games!

Tetris probably helps some skills, but not memory. We have other games for that. Photo by Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash

Now, right off the bat, I’ll say that games in general do help plenty of skills (e.g., movement, critical thinking, organization, creativity, etc.). However, not all games will help in the same way. The games I will be talking about today will be specifically to increase memory processes (perhaps so we don’t end up like Dory from this post).

The games I will talk about fall under the general category of “brain games.” In the study I will be referencing, these games were also compared to other games like solitaire, action games, The Sims, and Tetris. And, the brain games did BETTER in improving memory compared to these other types of games.

I’ll have a list of games at the end of this post if you are interested.

Also, I’ll say, I am fairly confident in these results, though you are also welcome to come to your own conclusions. Of course, even if I am confident in these results, there are still plenty of ways in which they won’t work for everyone and they also won’t necessarily change your life so completely and profoundly (at least not without a good amount of work first).

There were 16 studies in total with 774 people playing brain games and 769 playing other games for comparison purposes. One final note I want to mention before getting into the…



Alex Karan

Psychology PhD trying to make research more accessible to the public! Let me know if you want any topics covered.