Do you really need to leave your comfort zone?

Alexandra Proskurina
2 min readJul 7, 2017


We are constantly being told that leaving our usual lifestyle behind is the only way to grow. Although, this concept doesn’t take into account the constant existential anxiety that follows us around throughout our daily lives. Routines and familiar spaces are our saviours in this mad rush, so “leaving the comfort zone” seems like a suicide mission. Does it really have to be like this?

This is what “get out of your comfort zone” feels like

The answer is no. Here are four alternatives to this, honestly, out-of-date idea. Yes, it is outdated, because the previous generations’ life was not as hectic as ours.

Comfort was their enemy, and for our times it’s our only friend.

  1. Understand that your comfort zone is your own changeable space. This space is under your full control, so no changes will happen without your explicit will. As you get used to this idea, you will notice that changing something scares you less and less.
  2. Instead of thinking of it as “getting out”, define your growth as “letting in”: this way you stay in your own space and just add to it from time to time. Your comfort zone expands, but you are still inside it and in charge. A comforting thought, right?
  3. Review your comfort zone as you would review your house: what do you like there? What needs a replacement? What do you need to shop for? What would you do if you had enough time or money? Answer questions like this and actually plan some actions. This approach makes sure that you are helping yourself grow and not just making some random goals for your (sometimes quite distant) future.
  4. Never be ashamed of staying inside your comfort zone. All of us are extremely different, so if your growth takes more time, it is completely natural and normal. Should you really feel ashamed of being normal? I don’t think so.

So here you are. It took me quite a long time to break free of this quite universal concept of discomfort and pain as signs of progress. It doesn’t have to be like this. Take your time, figure out what belongs in your inner house and what doesn’t. Construct your comfort zone and feel happy. Because that’s what this life is for — happiness.

