Alex Martakov
3 min readFeb 21, 2019

3-rd review project Toqqn

The General situation of the project

The cost of running a social network is not negligible, so a social platform is needed. While the subscription model is one way to monetize a social platform without ads, it denies access to those without funds. So we have come up with the means to give users access to a free platform where security and privacy is of the greatest concern but makes the platform attractive to investors.

Toqqn project token

In order to Finance the platform and attract investors, we decided to issue a crypto-token, toqn. But this token will not only provide an opportunity to Fund our platform, it will also bring value to our users. As part of our goal to bring cryptography to the masses, interactions on the Toqn platform will be rewarded with points that can be exchanged for our crypto token (toqn.) This will ultimately increase the value of the token as demand grows, leading to new investors.

The main problems of the project.

Decentralization is the biggest challenge faced by the Toqqn team how to completely decentralize our platform. Our ultimate goal is to eliminate any user data stored on our servers, thus completely decentralizing the platform, and ensuring that our users ‘ data is never sold or hacked for profit.

The first problem is that modern technologies are not capable of a fully decentralized platform. So we will combine the best of conventional and blockchain
technology to provide a secure platform that does not store user data on our servers.
As the technology allows, we fully integrate the platform with the blockchain to decentralize all user data. We plan to run DAPP for this once the platform is stable. The quality of the content of the community in order to grow any community, content needs to be
highest quality.

Therefore, the challenge is to create a platform to engage users who produce
great content that is valued by other users.
The ability to earn rewards in crypto is a powerful incentive for users to stay involved and
contribution to the maintenance of the highest quality. This ensures that useful, thought-provoking content
the platform has contributed, and at the same time, attracts a wide user base. More users
and the content will also increase the amount of spam that is added to the platform, we intend to overcome this with the “users are moderators”feature.

More information

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