Elysian Finance crypto Review

Alex Martakov
3 min readFeb 13, 2022



The author creates an auxiliary server token of the next generation for the purpose of DeFi 3.0 also dispersed ties. Our task is to form an act that is in no way interconnected with savings, directed to the algorithmic issue of assets, as well as increased management of assets in the chain. The Elysian Treasury will work with strategies, including with arbitrage, also completing shop-making, mechanized sale of ETFs as well. Our smart contracts guarantee absolute clarity of this, as well as how strategies function, as well as how they are drawn up and corrected. The Elysian token (LYS) is guaranteed by a basket of assets in the Treasury, the fact that in combination with a risk-free price (RFV) gives it internal significance also ensures that 1 minted LYS is permanently guaranteed 1 United States dollar.


Stacking also ensures that all investors, without exception, will become interested
in constructive participation in the protocol due
to the theoretical and video game dynamics, but joint efficiency guarantees
an excellent response in the medium-term as well as long-term opportunities.
Its attachment also contains an updatable modular
architecture of smart contracts, but in addition similar functions, as well as:

- Over-the-counter exchange of bonds also returnable bonds
- Automation of protocols
- Supply chain management is also NFT
- The degree of retaliation in addition to 5 (3,3) mechanisms of “depositing votes”.

The probability of updating in Elysian was invented in a similar way so that users could
simply acquire access to the latest infrastructure or improvements
the management of this, as well as the treasury functions. It is important to highlight that the acquisition
of access to the latest DeFi integrations does not require
updating from the user in any way.

Distribution mechanism

Possession of pLYS provides the opportunity to mint LYS, burning 1 pLYS also bringing auxiliary assets to the required amount of 1 United States dollar due to any minted token.
Since the pLYS rates are based on a prescription given a long-term amount, there are also no certain taxes in which the cost will be freely inflated. The actions of pLYS are similar to the right, due to the fact that the purchase has value only at the time when LYS is trading more than its own internal price.
Premature adherents, consultants and the team will be able to invest their own resources in the aggregate if the recommendation reaches 12%.
This means that the presence of a feed in 1 m will become 120 thousand secondarily loaded layers, the presence of a feed in Ten m — 1, the twentieth million layers will also then.

See distribution division cotton velvet:

Collective: 330 million cotton velvet also 8% of supplies
Traders: Seventy million $ also 3% prescriptions
Consultants: Fifty million plis also 1% prescriptions
Company: 550 m cotton velvet also in the absence of supply limitation.

The profits from distribution will be used to finance the needs for research and scaling, but also for the purpose of management and product research. Firstly, the objective of this round is to acquire the funds required to assist the plan in a long-term opportunity, in the absence of the need for access to the treasury instruments by prescribing according to the management. This ensures that in the initial stage, the main interest will be paid to increasing and expanding the base of users.

More info:

Twitter | Github | Discord| Telegram

https://elysian.finance | info@elysian.finance

Author BTT: Odinokiq
ETH: 0xaeC4b8aaec16C568992068aC798277F28CeA6Df0

Unicom text 100%: https://text.ru/antiplagiat/6209377b0df74

#ElysianFinance #DeFi #ETH #Ethereum #LYS #DAO

