Toqqn 5 review

Alex Martakov
2 min readFeb 25, 2019


Mission: Our mission is to create a private and secure experience for social media users — decentralizing user data. Because of current limitations in technology, Toqqn will be built with the best of conventional and blockchain technology. This ensures user’s privacy is respected, while helping to bring the adoption of crypto to the masses.

Running the platform entirely on the blockchain at this time isn’t feasible. In the near future, we will be doing our best to transform the platform entirely to a DAPP or decentralize maximum critical data, after a stable build is achieved. A machine learning algorithm will work on users’ crypto rewarding system (an activity-based ecosystem). In addition, plans are in place to create a services marketplace where our users can provide digital services to earn additional toqqns.

This will provide true utility to our crypto token, as well as help with the general adoption of cryptocurrency as a cross-border payment method that eliminates unnecessary third parties. Fees from this marketplace will also fund the platform. Privacy by Default: Because TOQQN is designed as a decentralized platform, user privacy is ensured by default. No user data will be stored on our servers; therefore, user data cannot be used in any ad campaigns or any other data exploitation.

As well, there is zero risk of user data becoming hacked for this same reason. An Ad-Free Social Experience TOQQN platform users will enjoy a 100% ad free experience supported by sales of our crypto (TQN). Additional revenue to support the platform will come from user fees for our marketplace. Crypto to the People: As part of our mission to bring crypto to the masses, users of the TOQQN platform will receive rewards points which can be exchanged for our crypto tokens.

This 8 means anyone, regardless of financial standing can own crypto by sharing content on our platform. As well, platform users can earn additional tokens by providing digital services in our Marketplace. We are providing the Marketplace to aid in the further adoption of crypto as a payment method.

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My BTT:;u=2289542
ERC-20: 0xaec4b8aaec16c568992068ac798277f28cea6df0

