How my life changed forever

Alex Moses
2 min readFeb 23, 2023


My name is Alex Moses, and I have a story to share that changed my life forever.

I remember the moment vividly: my eyes felt heavy, and I struggled to open them.

I felt a weight on my chest, and the sound of the heart monitor beeped in my ears.

My wife’s face, filled with fear, came into view.

“I thought you were dead,” she said, and my throat closed.

The doctor informed me that I had suffered a stroke, and I wondered if this was the end.

I had been working long hours and sacrificing my health and relationships for a job that left me unfulfilled.

Despite being the youngest executive in the company with a high salary, I realized that I wanted more from life.

After my stroke, I knew that I needed to make a change.

I had been living a life that I didn’t want, and I couldn’t continue down that path.

I wanted to take control of my life and be my own boss.

I didn’t know where to start.

I tried many coaching programs and seminars, spending thousands of dollars in the process, but I felt more confused than ever before.

Finally, I discovered “The Fourth Way,” which taught me the spiritual approach to starting and scaling a business.

This approach increases and focuses attention and energy and minimizes daydreaming and absent-mindedness.

Looking back, I am grateful for the wake-up call that my stroke provided and the opportunity it gave me to make a positive change in my life.

About Author:

Alex Moses is a serial entrepreneur and one of the most esteemed and respected human behavior experts.

Alex Moses trained and advises renowned, successful entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs, Paul Allen, and hundreds of companies worldwide.

He has 34 years of experience scaling multiple companies to 8 figures and beyond.

Alex Moses is passionate about sales and he believes this is the key to success, now works with frustrated entrepreneurs who are seeking to have more sales and want to skyrocket their income this year.

He is sought after worldwide as he has consulted for many of the world’s most successful millionaires and billionaires.

What else you should know about Alex Moses…

At age 29 Alex Moses sold his business for 9 figures.

Since then, he has helped launch numerous start-ups and trained thousands of salespeople.

To learn more about Alex Moses buy his book on Amazon.



Alex Moses

Delivering 9-Figure Growth Through Partnerships 🔵 It's NOT my advice that matters - it's YOUR Results that Speak Volumes.