Understanding the Six Main Fears That Control Our Lives.

Alex Moses
3 min readMay 10, 2023


Fear is a powerful emotion that can control our thoughts and actions.

There are six main fears that can have a significant impact on our lives, and by understanding them, we can work to overcome them and live a more fulfilling life.

  1. Fear of Poverty — The fear of poverty can cause us to stay in jobs we hate or avoid taking risks that could potentially lead to financial success. It can also cause us to focus solely on money, leading to a lack of fulfillment in other areas of our lives. This fear can be overcome by developing a positive mindset and focusing on the opportunities rather than the obstacles.
  2. Fear of Criticism — The fear of criticism is the fear of what others may think or say about our choices or actions. It can lead to a lack of confidence and self-doubt, which can prevent us from pursuing our goals and living our best life. This fear can be overcome by developing a strong sense of self-worth and learning to accept constructive feedback without taking it personally.
  3. Fear of Ill Health — The fear of ill health can cause us to obsess over our health, leading to anxiety and stress. It can also prevent us from living life to the fullest by avoiding experiences or opportunities that may be deemed “unhealthy.” This fear can be overcome by focusing on our overall well-being, including physical, mental, and emotional health, and by seeking support when needed.
  4. Fear of Losing Love or Approval — The fear of losing love or approval can cause us to sacrifice our own needs and desires in order to please others, leading to a lack of fulfillment in our own lives. This fear can be overcome by developing a strong sense of self and understanding that our own happiness and well-being are just as important as that of others.
  5. Fear of Old Age — The fear of old age can prevent us from taking risks or pursuing new experiences, believing that we are too old to do so. It can also lead to a lack of self-confidence and a feeling of being stuck in our current situation. This fear can be overcome by developing a growth mindset and understanding that age is just a number and that it is never too late to pursue our dreams.
  6. Fear of Death — The fear of death can cause us to avoid living life to the fullest, always worrying about the future and what may come. It can also prevent us from taking risks and pursuing our dreams, leading to a life of regret. This fear can be overcome by focusing on the present moment and understanding that death is a natural part of life and that it is important to make the most of the time we have.

By recognizing and understanding these fears, we can take steps to overcome them and live a more fulfilling life.

This may involve seeking support from others, facing fears head-on, or developing a positive mindset.

Remember, fear may be powerful, but it doesn’t have to control our lives.

We have the power to overcome it and live the life we truly desire.

About Author:

Alex Moses is a serial entrepreneur and one of the most esteemed and respected human behavior experts.

Alex Moses trained and advises renowned, successful entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs, Paul Allen, and hundreds of companies worldwide.

He has 34 years of experience scaling multiple companies to 8 figures and beyond.

Alex Moses is passionate about sales and he believes this is the key to success, now works with frustrated entrepreneurs who are seeking to have more sales and want to skyrocket their income this year.

He is sought after worldwide as he has consulted for many of the world’s most successful millionaires and billionaires.

What else you should know about Alex Moses…

At age 29 Alex Moses sold his business for 9 figures.

Since then, he has helped launch numerous start-ups and trained thousands of salespeople.

To learn more about Alex Moses buy his book on Amazon.



Alex Moses

Delivering 9-Figure Growth Through Partnerships 🔵 It's NOT my advice that matters - it's YOUR Results that Speak Volumes.