The Art of Eating on the Couch

Alexandra Kulick
2 min readJul 11, 2018

Disclaimer: Some of you might have to forgive me for this, including my mom.

There’s something that we all do, but no one really talks about it. Maybe it’s a habit you picked up in college, maybe you were raised in a relaxed household, but somewhere along the line we’ve all plopped down on the couch and eaten a messy meal in front of the t.v. Whether it’s pizza night or every night, couch eating happens.

But do you know how to eat on the couch correctly? If not, let me be of service. These five tips just might save your couch from permanent stains and help you relax after a long day. After all, there’s nothing worse than drowning your worries in a bowl of ice cream on the couch, only to realize you’re actually drowning the cat next to you.

Tip number one: Keep full plates on your lap at all. It might seem elementary but proper plate placement minimizes the spread of crumbs and reduces the “splatter zone.” Any slight plate placement variation can lead to a mess, especially in children under the age of five.

Tip number two: Keep napkins handy. There’s nothing worse than getting comfortable and having to get up two minutes later for a napkin. I like to stick them in between the backrest cushion; does it get handier than that? And for the ones in your life who might need more absorbency…



Alexandra Kulick

Alexandra Kulick is a author, blogger, mom, and wife. To learn more and connect, check out