AI and the Future Job Market: Will Robots Really Steal Our Jobs?

Alex Northwood
4 min readApr 9, 2023

The debate around artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact on the job market has been ongoing for years. Some envision a future filled with opportunity, while others fear massive job losses as AI and automation replace human workers.

In this article, we’ll dive into the discussion surrounding AI and its potential effects on the job market, separating fact from fiction and exploring the possibilities ahead.

So, will AI kill jobs in the future, or will it create new opportunities? Let’s find out!

AI: Destroyer or Creator of Jobs?

The fear of AI and automation taking over human jobs is not entirely unfounded. According to a study by Oxford University, around 47% of jobs in the US are at risk of being automated within the next two decades.

Meanwhile, a report from McKinsey suggests that up to 800 million jobs could be lost globally by 2030 due to automation.

However, it’s important to recognize that AI can also create jobs.

Historically, technological advancements have often led to job displacement, but they’ve also created new opportunities.

For instance, the internet and smartphone revolution led to a host of new roles, such as app developers, social media managers, and digital marketers.

Similarly, AI could give rise to new industries and job categories that we can’t yet predict.

Moreover, AI can enhance human productivity and efficiency in various sectors, potentially leading to economic growth and additional job opportunities.

AI’s Impact on Different Industries

AI’s effects on the job market will vary across industries. In some sectors, AI is more likely to complement human work rather than replace it.

For example, healthcare could benefit from AI-powered diagnostics and personalized treatments, while human healthcare professionals would still play a crucial role in decision-making and patient care.

In contrast, industries with repetitive tasks, like manufacturing or data entry, may see more significant job displacement due to AI and automation.

However, this doesn’t mean all hope is lost for workers in these industries. By acquiring new skills and adapting to the evolving job market, individuals can find new opportunities in emerging fields.

How to Prepare for the AI-Driven Job Market

To stay competitive in the AI-driven job market, it’s essential to develop skills that are less likely to be automated. These include:

Creativity: AI can perform specific tasks, but it cannot replicate human creativity. Pursuing careers that require creative thinking, like graphic design, writing, or marketing, could offer a level of job security.

Emotional intelligence: While AI can analyze data and make predictions, it lacks the ability to empathize and connect with people. Jobs requiring emotional intelligence, such as therapists, social workers, or salespeople, are less likely to be threatened by AI.

Complex problem-solving: While AI can solve straightforward problems, humans excel at tackling complex issues that require critical thinking and adaptability. Careers in strategic planning, management, or consulting could be safer from AI disruption.

The question of whether AI will kill jobs in the future is complex, and there’s no one-size-fits-all answer.

While AI and automation may displace some jobs, they can also create new opportunities, enhance productivity, and foster economic growth.

By focusing on developing skills that complement AI and staying adaptable in the face of change, we can thrive in the evolving job market.



Alex Northwood

Uncovering secrets. Sharing insights on AI, tech & personal products, personal development, and finance for a better tomorrow.