Ways to clean your AC duct at home!

Alex Park
3 min readApr 18, 2017


There are several reasons to clean the air ducts! When you are regularly keeping a check of the system and cleaning it, your heating system will last longer. For those people, who suffer from dust allergy should get AC duct cleaning Dubai services often to get their system cleaned. If your duct, filters and other parts of the AC are dirty, you will breathe dusty air, which can cause several health problems.

When cleaning the air ducts at home, here are a few things you will need.

1. Dusting cloth — You need a dusting cloth to wipe out any kind of dirt you see inside the AC so that you don’t have to reopen it and do it all over again.

2. Vacuum — If you have a portable vacuum or a heavy-duty one, you will need it. Trust us; you have no idea just how much dust can settle inside an air conditioner.

3. Screwdriver — This will be needed to open the machine if required and to put it back together.

4. Brush — Want to get the dust removed from the smaller portions of the air conditioner? Well, you need a brush to get inside.

You must not neglect to remove the dirt from every part. The duct is on the outside in a split AC, and it can be pretty dirty, which is why you need these 4 things.

Why do you need to clean?

The fan of the duct needs major cleaning as that is the one which helps in improving the function of your air conditioner. If the fan is restricted and filled with dirt, you will have less air flow inside. It will emit heat sometimes too. Many times, when you have the air conditioner near a window where birds could come, the feathers of the birds can get stuck in there. This needs to be removed properly otherwise your machine can heat up and get damaged completely.

In the duct area, there are several wirings and connections, which can get ruined due to water flow too. During the rainy season, make sure the AC is under the shed or covered as water going inside the AC from the duct can spark the wires and cause them to fail.

Lastly, if your duct makes too much noise when the AC is running, you need to get maintenance services done in your air conditioner. Usually, the fan does not make extremely loud noises, but if your equipment vibrates a lot while making noises, there are some issues inside. The fan could have heavy dust on it which is restricting it to move hence causing a noise as it touches on the sides else some wire could be broken.

When to hire a professional?

Always call air conditioning maintenance services every 6 months if you cannot clean the duct yourself. If you use the system often, you need to get it serviced so that it is durable. Other than this, not everyone can fix internal issues at home so get a professional to deal with the wiring work.

