5 Ways to Succeed in a New Business — Alex Podgurski

Alex Podgurski
2 min readSep 4, 2019


Starting and running a business today is not such an easy thing. To be successful in entrepreneurship, you need more than just the capital and resources necessary to facilitate the running of your business. Your success as an entrepreneur depends on your ability to focus on five crucial areas.

Creating a proper business plan

The backbone of every new business is a comprehensively written business plan. When writing a business plan as an entrepreneur, you should focus on putting down on paper every aspect of the ideas you have in your mind. The plan should outline crucial areas of your new business, including obtaining startup capital, sales and marketing, administrative management, and the specific objectives that you wish to achieve in the short and long-term.

Maintaining consultations

Irrespective of how experienced you are, it is highly advisable to keep consulting with experienced and qualified business persons and mentors. The consultation serves as a benchmark on how suitable or qualified your ideas are. Getting the confirmation of a third party gives you the necessary confidence that you are running your business just right.

Stay flexible

Flexibility is a crucial aspect when establishing and running a new business. Being flexible allows you to make the necessary adjustments whenever you feel that any aspect of your initial plan is not working right. Even the well-planned idea can become a nightmare that is virtually impossible to achieve once rolled out.

Take advantage of the internet

Virtually every business in the market today is focusing more on digitizing its operations. One of the crucial aspects that you should focus on when thinking of small business digitization is establishing a web presence, including creating a website and social media pages for your business. The opportunities presented over the internet, such as digital marketing, should then be fully utilized to help give your business a much-needed boost.

Hire the right employees

When running a new business, you should focus on surrounding yourself with the most qualified and experienced employees who would be keen on adding value to your business. You should, therefore, endeavor to match your employees’ competency with the particular skills demanded in a particular job position in the workplace. Competent workers play a major role in ensuring that the organization achieves its goals.

Originally published at https://alexpodgurski.net.



Alex Podgurski

The Founder & Director of APR Media, Alex Podgurski is a thought leader in digital marketing who serves clients in San Diego. http://alexpodgurski.org/.