6 Ways to Improve Your Professional Bio — Alex Podgurski

Alex Podgurski
3 min readJul 19, 2019


Whether you’re completing a bio for your own professional website, for your company website, or for a social profile like LinkedIn, you need to keep it professional while also making it standout from others. This differentiation is particularly important if you’re currently job hunting, want to build your network, or are looking for new opportunities in general. A well-written professional bio can influence your career and the type of opportunities you find. Here are some tips to improve your professional bio and make it the best it can be.

Start with quick intro

When you start your bio, share something quick and straightforward. State who you are and what you do. It can even be a bit of an elevator pitch, with the focus on yourself and your skills. The first sentence is often what determines the reader’s impression of your bio and who you are.

Cover what you do

As you continue writing your bio, give a more in-depth idea of what you do. Talk about your role, the industry you work in, and some regular aspects of your work. Beyond your quick intro, this section gives people a broader idea of who you are professionally.

Explain why

Once you provide a clear idea of what you do, talk about why you do it. You want to highlight what drives you and provide that insight to whoever is reading your professional bio. Try to show ways you feel passionate about your career and industry that are a bit unique. Share experiences and what drove you to choose this path in the first place.

Give some history

Once you address what you’re doing now in your life, talk about what you’ve done before. Establish your qualifications and experience to highlight how you’ve gotten to this point. People want to know a little bit about you and your career path.

Highlight accomplishments

While you’re talking about your current and previous work history, make sure to add in your various accomplishments. Include them organically instead of listing them at the end, though this option can be used if you have a long list of awards or recognitions. You can include that in its own paragraph, but if you’re highlighting accomplishments that were company specific, include those as you talk about that phase in your career.

Make it personal

Finally, end your professional bio on a more personal note. While you want to make it unique and include some personal aspects throughout, especially when it comes to why you’re on your current path, the end is where you can get a lot more personal. Share some information about who you are outside of work. What hobbies do you enjoy? What drives you? Do you have a family? You do not have to be too specific, but giving some insight into yourself as a person helps you appear more relatable.



Alex Podgurski

The Founder & Director of APR Media, Alex Podgurski is a thought leader in digital marketing who serves clients in San Diego. http://alexpodgurski.org/.