Avatar Node v0.2.1 Release

Alex Roy
1 min readNov 8, 2018


Dear Evernauts, close on the heels of v0.2.0 we have 0.2.1 Release.

What’s New:
- Skill Bundle —
A bunch of addon skills that you can install together.
- Skill are installed into a separate folder elife.skillsoutside of install directory to support simpler upgrades.

The new 0.2.1 release is available for download here.

If you are upgrading your node follow the instructions under Section A. If you are doing a fresh install, follow the instructions further below section B.

A)Upgrade your Avatar Node from v0.2.0 to v0.2.1:

Expand tar in the same folder location as before.
Folders in this path will look like this:

2. Go To the previous Avatar Node install directory
cd elife_0.2.0/

3. Stop your previous Avatar Node
./run.sh stop

4. Go to the newly installed Avatar Node Directory
cd elife_0.2.1/

5. Start your Avatar
./run.sh avatar

B)Fresh Install of Avatar Node (Skip if you are upgrading):
For those of you are doing a direct Install and not upgrading from v0.2.0, follow the steps mentioned in this article to proceed.

C)Install Default Skills Bundle Addon:
After upgrade or fresh install of Avatar Node you can install the skills bundle.

Unzip in the same folder as you unzipped your Avatar Node. The skills would get copied over to the folder: elife.skills

Download the Skills bundle from here

Restart your Avatar Node
cd elife_0.2.1/ folder
./run.sh stop
./run.sh avatar

And yes if you are facing any issues feel free to ping us on our Discord Group Support and Dev channels.

