Which DevOps RoadMap is the best for 2023?

Alex Rozdolskyi
3 min readMar 2, 2023

DevOps and SRE keep trending in 2023 and a lot of people are trying to understand how to ride that trend properly.
DevOps roadmap has been a pretty hot topic lately, having a lot of articles and references in blog posts.

After analyzing dozens of them there seem to be some common themes, and references to one of the few separate roadmaps crafted by different experts in the field.

I have to admit that RoadMap for performing DevOps transformation in the organization and roadmap for building a career in DevOps are different things, however, both of those are sometimes referenced as just DevOps RoadMap. We will be focusing on the second though.

Let’s look into the most interesting ones:

General DevOps Roadmaps

1. DevOps Roadmap by Kamran Ahmed

His project ‘Developer Roadmap’, which hosts ~30 roadmaps for different software engineering roles and directions hit 231k stars on GitHub.

The DevOps roadmap itself is pretty comprehensive, it nicely covers all the aspects of DevOps expertise. It covers what is the role of a DevOps engineer and also describes a list of tools, technologies, and frameworks to be mastered.



Alex Rozdolskyi

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