Why I’ve Switched from React to Angular for My Projects

Alex Seifert
9 min readOct 22, 2023

For years, my go-to frontend framework was React. I started using it professionally around 2015 and so it was a natural choice to use for my personal projects as well since I was already in the mindset.

Of course, I have also dabbled around with others since then, particularly with Vue, but they never really stuck. I always just ended up using React in the end for whatever project I wanted to pursue.

So why would I suddenly want to start using Angular when nothing else stuck?

Note: I know that some developers call React a library rather than a framework. That is probably more accurate, but I’m going to continue calling it a framework in this article because when I say “React”, I’m referring to the entire ecosystem rather than just React itself.

A New Job

Earlier this year, I started a new job. I was hired as a frontend developer, but the project called for using Angular rather than React. When I applied for the job, I figured it would give me a good opportunity to truly try out another framework and see how it works, looks and feels for me. What I discovered blew me away.

Now, I know Angular isn’t the most popular framework amongst developers and particularly not amongst frontend developers. I’m pretty sure that is…



Alex Seifert

Alex is a cishet developer, drummer, bassist and an amateur historian living in Germany. He also happens to enjoy wearing skirts and blurring gender boundaries.