Alexandra Shemchuk 🐋
5 min readNov 11, 2018

Why is attitude important?

Over the last 5 years, I’ve read tons of books related to self-development, and every time I face the phrase :

Your attitude defines who you are.

But why? Let’s try to understand this together.

To start with, attitude is a reaction to events and occasions. And it can definitely go two ways: positive or negative.

Does it matter really?

It does. There’s an interesting life formula I’ve learned from THE ENERGY BUS by Jon Gordon which says:

Events + attitude = Results (or E+A=R).

We cannot control Events happens to us, but we are able to have a different attitude. By changing that element of the equation, we can get desirable Results.

Sounds pretty easy? Right, but that’s not as simple as it seems to be.

Do you remember what I wrote earlier? Your reaction can be both negative or positive, and that’s where something goes wrong.

People so get used to being negative to everything, so it’s unbelievably hard for them to recognise these bad thoughts which ruin their lives. It’s definitely becoming the part of the most of us. That’s why you have to question your core principles to get out of this negative circle.

Fortunately, IT IS POSSIBLE.

But firstly, I want you to understand why do we actually need this thing called positive thinking or positive attitude.


Imagine person K, who lost everything he loved at once. He was fired due to huge financial problems in his company, his wife asked for divorce, the children didn’t want to talk to K. He didn’t have enough money to pay the rent. Moreover, his health got worse every day. He was depressed and upset about all of these occasions. K saw only problems in those things and he had no solution, so the only thing K thought he could do was die ( to run away from these huge and scary events).

Ok, sad story. But every one of us has several problems and some of you might know how bad it feels to be in K’s place. Well, what if you know another way to correspond? What if you see this situation in a positive way?

What if the problems are…opportunities? Sounds strange, right?

I want our character to choose a different path. Let’s imagine that after 2-week depression he understood —

The worst problems are the best opportunities. They are opportunities to start over, become better, find new talents and meet different people.

Make it your life credo. Feel it. Be conscious. Every time you think you are in trouble, remind this.

What you think, you become. Think that problems are opportunities , and the evidence will appear.

Amazing, right? I think so.

You can be happy, fit, healthy or whatever you want just keep thinking positively and acting towards your dreams. It’s not just words, these are Laws of the Universe.

Now, I will return to our friend K. What had he done to live the life of his dreams ( if you have no dreams, just do the best you can, and they will appear)? There are several things he started practising every day. And the first was…


Gratitude is your fuel. If you are grateful for what you already have, you attract more in your life.

Be grateful for your precious body: your heart works for you 24/7, your brain gives you the opportunity to think, communicate, socialise with other people, walk, see, feel. Eyes, ears, nose, legs, arms…just think how many things you can do just because you are lucky to have your body. Even if you are ill or some part of you doesn’t function well. You are still alive. You still can experience tones of things. Remember. Be grateful that you were given this amazing life.

Be grateful that you have people around you. If you lost a person that you loved, then be grateful that you had an opportunity to love someone, that you experienced LOVE.

That’s so important to see the beauty in everything.

Notice the beauty of Nature, it is generous. Nature gives us more we can receive.

  • So, every day think of 5 opportunities, events or things that you can be thankful for.
  • Practice and you will notice some valuable changes. But don’t wait for something to appear immediately, just acknowledge gratefulness filling you, smile, enjoy.

And one more tip for you -find a gratitude stone. Just pick a stone(s) and use it according to instructions ).

Now, I want you to seriously think when and how will you practice gratitude. Just believe me, 2 words can change your life.


Other steps that K made will appear at the following articles. They are all for you)

Thank you for reading this story. I’m happy because I’ve just shared with all of you this crucial technic. I hope you enjoy it.

Have a great day.

Live an amazing life.

That’s all for today.

Be grateful, bye bye!

Love you, Alex)