Get 100 followers with this one simple trick

Alex Shofet
3 min readFeb 22, 2022
What you think you’ll look like after writing on Medium

If you’re like me, starting on Medium, you probably know that you need 100 followers to start getting paid for your articles. Of course, as small as the initial amounts may be, it’s nice to have a concrete appreciation of your work besides claps. As wise Jewish people would say, ‘claps won’t pay for my matzo’.

But now, you wrote your first story, and you’re looking at the stats, and here’s what you see:

This is your stats page

What’s happening?

Let me tell you what’s happening: no one knows you! What did you expect? To get the fame of Bill Gates? Or you thought that perhaps people all need to search for you, Person X, because you wrote something?

This story is my story. This is what happened to me. I wrote what I thought was a good article and a few good stories. Shameless linking follows:



Alex Shofet

Speaker of 6 languages living in China. Writing about naturopathic medicine, health, and world experiences. Like to do art, music and poetry.