TerraGreen — A complete overview of the Company

Alex Smirnow
5 min readMar 1, 2019


TerraGreen founders and team members have been involved in renewable energy industry for more than 2 decades, during which time there was remarkable increase in demand for cleaner and safer life and the demand was growing exponentially. Prime goal TerraGreen is to develop an energy saving cryptocurrency that focuses primarily on a sustainable economic system. The purpose of TerraGreen is to facilitate the so-called Energy Transition and move the next generation towards renewable sources for more efficient use.

TerraGreen is essentially a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization), governed autonomously on the basis of pre-defined instructions in the form of smart contract. There are various smart contracts in a DAO. The smart contracts delve into the realm of, but are not limited to, Combined Heat & Power Optimization (CHP), Synthetic Natural Gas, Hydrogen Production, Synthetic Fuels, SOFC, Green Chemistry, Activated Carbon, and Pulp.TerraGreen Coin is a unique blockchainpowered attempt at micromanaging biomass wastes from agricultural and forestry sectors and efficiently converting them into renewable energy products. These products, at the end of the process, will be in their greater heights of economic values. With TerraGreen Coin, consumers can directly participate in the biomass waste management and production of renewable energy products, which in return support the green energy revolution


TerraGreen brings great features in dealing with smart technologies

Digital Smart Energy contracts provide flexible yet standardized power purchase process

Blockchain-based technological solutions allow fully transparent energy trade accounting.


Simple fundraising process saves you a time and resources, for the project developers and energy buyers.


Smart Energy Contracts are easily tradable within the platform — pay only for the energy you use.

TerraGreen aims to create a global, decentralized biomass waste management, majorly in the agricultural & plantation sector. The creation of such a network will enable the deployment of an extensive renewable energy infrastructure, which will provide the necessary impetus for proper biomass waste management. The TerraGreen mission is, to change the way waste is perceived by industries and proving it as the greatest untapped resource available to mankind. TerraGreen strives to implement a monetary incentive mechanism, where people are rewarded for participating directly in converting biomass waste into renewable energy products. TerraGreen aims to cut through the current problems of lacking access to state-of-the-art technology and capital for the biomass based renewable energy producers, and to provide access of profitable projects directly to the consumers. This is done with the utilization of the blockchain technology and renewable energy backed coins.

TerraGreen Digital Currency Model & Blockchain Platform

Energy-related finance can be split according to two domains: its relation to energy and its relation to money. Energy-related money could either be designed by making the money in reference to a certain energy type or be physically backed by energy. In the latter case, the currency would be redeemable against its backing or non-redeemable.2 To make the economy work for the planet, and therefore for the long-term interest of humanity, we need to change how money works. We require a feedback loop inbetween nature and the economy. A relatively new take on incentive mechanism for energy trade is the idea of using energy as the currency. A number of energyrelated currencies have been proposed for the reduction of CO2 emissions, such as the Ergo and Carbon Coin; for the in-feed of renewable energy, namely Solar Coin; and for the energy related product such as Genercoin. While these proposals address environmental issues, the vast distribution of energy outputs from renewable energy technologies is overlooked.
Focusing on these energy outputs, TerraGreen Digital Currency, also called TerraGreen Coin will be developed to be distributed on global and own trading platforms and international financial system, On a global level, Terra Green Coin allows anyone to invest in the energy sector by purchasing the currency and thereby increasing its value on the market. In the long run, industries can even offer discounts for green products and services purchased with TerraGreen Coin and by that boosting the renewable energy economy. The advantage of the proposed TerraGreencoins are:

1. Blockchain based decentralized financial system
2. High degree of privacy & trust
3. Value defined by green energy
4. Directly addresses the enormous biomass waste, generated by industries & human beings

TerraGreen Coin Model

TerraGreen platform, a blockchain based renewable energy coin, will serve to promote and assist in creations of renewable energy generating facilities around the world. This is done through issuance of energy coin and thus raising capital for renewable energy producers. These energy coins therefore shall represent the amount of green energy the producer committed to produce and deliver to end-users via grid or distributions network. In this way, renewable energy producers can trade globally with everyone, both users and investors, by selling the energy in advance, and this in turn ensures liquidity and access to capital for setting up renewable energy plants. The premise of TerraGreenCoin is expanded from the DeKo Thesis, which states that that “electrical energy in the unit form of delivered kilowatt hours can be a more stable asset for backing a currency than gold or debt, hence it offers a combination of stable value together with economic utility.3Hence, value of TerraGreenCoin are backed by renewable energy generating assets and standardized smart contracts. A smart contract is a contract between two parties, one that generates renewable energy products for the purpose of sale (the seller) and one that purchases and receives these products (the buyer or off-taker). The smart contract defines all of the commercial terms for the sale of renewable energy products between the two parties, including when the project will begin commercial operation, schedule for delivery of the products, penalties for under delivery, payment terms, and termination. A smart contract is the principal agreement that defines the revenue and credit quality of a renewable energy plants and is thus a key instrument of project financing.
TerraGreen Coin’s main objective is to combine the benefits of today’s worldwide most extraordinary interests: world renewables biomass waste generations, renewable energy and digital currencies. Renewable energy and digital currencies are expanding through creative innovation, and as such the inventors at TerraGreen shall spur the creation of TerraGreen digital currency, which shall be connected directly to renewable energy assets and biomass waste generations.

TEAM TerraGreen

Learn more:

Website: www.terragreen.io/
TGN Wallet: https://wallet.terragreen.io/
Telegram: https://t.me/terragreencoin
Greenpaper: https://www.terragreen.io/greenpaper.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TERAGRE01964783
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tgncoin
Ann: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5106691

MyProfile Ann: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1931085
TGN Address: 7c3f8039d8818e4f5ec980fde7a3d176

