Bitcoin is dead. Blockchain is conquering the world

FairWin continues to follow the news about cryptocurrency. After a sharp bitcoin price fall at the beginning of 2018 the hype connected with cryptocurrencies began to die away gradually. “The Bitcoin fever” has started to subside. Despite the growth of mistrust towards the sphere of cryptocurrencies, the blockchain technology keeps receiving wide recognition in the world.

Alex Stargame
2 min readMar 16, 2018


In 2018 blockchain presidential elections were held for the first time in the world in Sierra Leone. The applications were developed by the Agora startup team supported by the government of the country.

The authors of the project declare that blockchain elections were absolutely anonymous, at the same time the information on each vote was stored in the system.

For now it is not clear how successful this experiment was. The final stage of the elections will take place as late as March, 27th. It is noted that the blockchain technology has made the process of elections fair, open and allowed to cut expenses on their organisation.


In March 2018 the Australian stock exchange plans to introduce the blockchain technology to store data about participants of auctions and financial transactions, and also to use smart contracts for performing contract payments. Last Thursday it became known that the credit bank of Canada also planned to implement a blockchain platform for accumulating credit points.


The government of Russia is looking into the possibility of introducing blockchain in the sphere of cost-sharing construction. The pilot project has already started in Leningrad region. In case it is successful, this technology will be introduced in other regions of Russia.


Representatives of the Russian railways plan to use blockchain in cargo and passenger transportation. It was declared by the director of the department for information technologies of the Russian Railways Evgeniy Charkin. He was talking about the introduction of “distributed registers and electronic data exchange systems on the basis of the blockchain technology”.

It would be interesting to know why the Russian authorities have not dared to use blockchain in presidential elections, as in Sierra Leone.

According to the forecasts of Allied Market Research, in 2023 the market will grow by 5,43 billion dollars, and the growth rate will make 57,6 percent a year. All the problems of the market are caused by state regulation, or rather the absence of it.

Apparently, the situation will change soon…

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