Does your ICO need high activity in social media?

Alex Stargame
4 min readJun 22, 2018


There is an opinion that one of the indicators of a ICO’s success is high activity in Telegram groups, Reddit and Bitcointalk forums.

Social media is not just a means of communication, but one of the major channels for information distribution. Communication via social media helps to receive instant feedback about a project and correct mistakes quickly. Therefore, social media activity is really an important indicator of the demand for the project. If the activity is real.

Fake activity

Any project that is launching an ICO receives tens of offers from advertising offices which promise to take you social media activity to the moon.

Activity creation is done according to the following scheme: 4–6 fake accounts are created on a platform. Then they start to write different questions in the group and leave their comments on the project. About three days later the accounts are changed.

These bots start discussions and debates. If everything is done right, live people start to join the discussion and so the true activity is created. When the accounts cease to work, the activity falls sharply.

A large amount of comments in Bitcointalk, Telegram threads, etc. is not always an indicator of the project’s reliability. More often than not it is fake activity, a true SMM-expert can tell this without any effort by the dynamics of publications and a sudden rise of indexes. But a less skilled person can take it all in good faith. Actually, this is the way the agiotage before token sales is created.

Many people have written FairWin to tell us that our social media activity is not so high and suggest boosting it.

On the one hand, we would like to receive regular feedback from subscribers while developing our games. So that people could estimate our ideas, design, graphics, animations and write about what they didn’t like and what they wanted to see improved. It is important for us to find out the opinion of players on what games they would like to see to understand what is interesting to them.

On the other hand, we understand that by creating fake activity we will not achieve the objective and will not get an engaged community. Up to this moment we have not accepted any such offers.

Why is buying activity for an ICO the worst idea?

The majority of companies which offer any services in ICO promotion and advancement work on the same model, neglecting the features of your project — they tell about the technology, pay some attention to the token, its price and write standard appeals to buy tokens.

In the hands of such advertising managers the idea of your project is lost among thousands of similar projects which are advertised on the same trackers and ICO-platforms.

Nobody can tell about your project better than you.

And nobody will advertise it better than you, because you have put in it all your efforts, time and money, you know all about the product and you are the person to tell about its advantages.The best way is to let a team member manage your social media, not to outsource this.

The FairWin company is developing a platform on the Ethereum blockchain and its own original games. Now our two games — the Yggdrasil slot based on the Scandinavian mythology and Top Drop, a slot game about Colombian smugglers — are almost ready. Therefore we share the process of game development in our social media, post animations and art drawn by our artists, publish game music there.

To sum it up

If your main goal is to create some agiotage around a project, launch an ICO and shut it down some time later, creating fake activity if the thing for you and there are numerous advertising firms that can help you.

If you have long-term plans and you intend to promote your product on the market, it is always better for you to build a community around it, one that is really interested in what you do. Therefore, creating fake activity is obviously not for you. At best, you will reach nothing at all, at worst — lose money (taking into account the prices for the ICO promotion services).

Be cautious and don’t fall for pump and fakes!

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