Is the blockchain technology making people more stupid?

Alex Stargame
2 min readMar 26, 2018


There is a popular belief in the society that technological progress is good, technologies make our life easier and our activity faster and more effective.

But is it actually true?

Productivity paradox

There is such a scientific concept as Solow`s Paradox or the “productivity paradox”. Its idea is that with the improvement of technologies the workers` productivity decreases.

Technologies develop with such speed that even young people do not always have time to adapt to them quickly. It takes anyone much time to learn them. Therefore, at the initial stage of introduction of blockchain there can be the opposite effect: instead of increasing the efficiency of working processes — a decline in productivity, the stress level growth up and even the increase in the amount of work.

Those who plan to introduce blockchain in business need to consider it, as it occurs universally in many large companies.

Digital amnesia

One more negative effect of new technologies is “dullness”.

Many people do not try to remember a lot of information because they know that in case of need they can “google” it. With time it leads to the loss of the ability to remember large amounts of information. This effect is called “Digital amnesia”. According to the latest researches, up to 90 % of the people in the developed countries suffer from it.

Perhaps many of you have seen cool economists and bookkeepers who always have a calculator at hand. Have you ever thought that they have simply forgotten how to do mental math and cannot do it quickly anymore?

Total mistrust

One advantage of the blockchain technology is that this is an open system which guarantees honesty and transparency of transactions. But at the same time this is its main drawback. If the blockchain takes root in the state systems, banks and financial organisations, then many experts like auditors, bookkeepers, etc. will become unnecessary.

Will it lead to the situation where man will lose the ability to think sceptically if he relies on machines to do everything?

One more moment: if everything registered in a blockchain is considered reliable, then everything outside of it will raise mistrust. Can it affect human relationships and lead to the total mistrust towards things that are not blockchain?

Probably, I exaggerate a little, but one thing is clear: blockchain will cardinally change the human society. What consequences it will bring, is not clear yet, but he process has started and its consequences are irreversible.

P.S. We remind you that soon FairWin will launch the first game on blockchain “Yggdrasil”. Follow our news and participate in the competition for the best name of the second game, about a fight club.

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